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喝太多了 拉了一天肚子 拿铁还不错 美式也很有威力 新加坡的本地咖啡牌子 开启元气满满的... 展开评价 dotSource: voiceInput: 回应 2024-08-24 21:16 Aperfectholiday bean coffee是我在坡最喜欢的!!! dotSource: 回应 2023-09-20 更新于24-07-26 11:19 布鲁斯...
BEANSTRO清真| 西式 | 咖啡廳餐廳位於新加坡中心地帶,裝潢時尚,獨具一格,充滿現代感的氛圍讓人流連忘返。美食選擇多種多樣,如橄欖油蒜蓉虎蝦、紅鯛魚炸魚薯條和經典漢堡等等。您還可以在這裡品嘗用平衡式塞風壺衝泡的精品咖啡。這種衝泡方法可以追溯到 18 世紀,是當時維也納皇家等皇室貴族常用的衝泡方法。想來一杯...
BEANSTRO清真| 西式 | 咖啡厅Beanstro 餐厅位于新加坡中心地带,装潢时尚,独具一格,充满现代感的氛围让人流连忘返。美食选择多种多样,如橄榄油蒜蓉虎虾、炸红鲷鱼薯条和经典汉堡等等。您还可以在这里品尝用平衡式塞风壶冲泡的精品咖啡。这种冲泡方法可以追溯到 18 世纪,是当时维也纳皇家等皇室贵族常用的冲泡方法。想来...
Refreshing Ice Blended drinks, unique teas, and quality coffees: there's something for everyone at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Explore our menu at our Seoul, location today!
Born and brewed in Southern California since 1963, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® is passionate about connecting loyal customers with carefully handcrafted beverages.
新加坡The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf(lower kent ridge road),携程攻略社区! 收集携程游友对新加坡The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf(lower kent ridge road)餐馆的各种评价、印象、点评,餐厅介绍,包含The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf(lower kent ridge road)套餐、特色菜品推荐、哪个菜
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Singapore: See 102 unbiased reviews of The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, rated 4.0 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #1,139 of 9,747 restaurants in Singapore.
点评用户“LUQIURACHEL”对【The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf(victoria street)】的评价:✨The Coffee Bean &Tea Leaf出了促销活动 🎊2杯Satted Caramel M...
新加坡The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf(changi business park),携程攻略社区! 收集携程游友对新加坡The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf(changi business park)餐馆的各种评价、印象、点评,包含The Coffee Bean Tea Leaf(changi business park)特色菜推荐、电话、地址、菜单、人均消费