为您提供The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf(Imbiah Station)的人均消费、品牌简介、店铺图片、折扣优惠、用户口碑、美食攻略、菜单、订餐、预约订座、推荐菜等信息,The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf(Imbiah Station)好不好,咖啡厅选择The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf(Imbiah Station)怎么
为您提供The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf的人均消费、品牌简介、店铺图片、折扣优惠、用户口碑、美食攻略、菜单、订餐、预约订座、推荐菜等信息,The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf好不好,咖啡厅选择The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf怎么样?快来看看大家如何点评吧!
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf点评(13 条) 人均¥62 咖啡馆有大片落地窗,光线明亮,视野广阔。 推荐菜 Grilled Chicken Pesto Chef’s Tuna Grilled Chicken Caesar Pastrami Mocha Chip Matcha Green Tea 电话:+63-2-3536388 简介: 这家咖啡馆有大片的落地窗,使得餐厅内光线明亮,视野宽敞,是喝下午茶的好...
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf点评(6 条)电话:+1 626-301-0317 地址:102 S Myrtle Ave, 蒙罗维亚, CA点评(6条) 0分 评分: 发表 可以输入1000字 Right now they have a f4ozen rocky road coffee ... 2013-07-15 00:00来自携程 网友 Right now they have a f4ozen rocky road coffee drink. ...
THE COFFEE BEAN & TEA LEAF, THE COFFEE BEAN, CBTL, THE ORIGINAL ICE BLENDED, ICE BLENDED and THE PURPLE STRAW, and their logos and other marks are registered trademarks of Super Magnificent Coffee Company Ireland Limited in the United States and may be registered in other countries.Our...
Born and brewed in Southern California since 1963, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® is passionate about connecting loyal customers with carefully handcrafted beverages.
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf是一家美国特色茶饮咖啡连锁运营商,除了饮品外,门店中也会销售烘焙咖啡豆、咖啡粉、冲调糖浆、咖啡胶囊和各类茶包。 核心成员 1 序号 项目成员 职位 简介 1 M Mona Hyman 创始人 Mona Hyman是该公司创始人。 融资信息 2 序号 发布日期 融资轮次 融资金额 投资方 1 2019-07...
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf点评(6 条)电话:+1 6264032141 地址:700 S Fair Oaks #a, 南帕萨迪纳, CA点评(6条) 0分 评分: 发表 可以输入1000字 Ice blended hazelnut with soy and an extra shot... 2013-02-02 00:00来自携程 网友 Ice blended hazelnut with soy and an extra shot always ...
Prev:Fruuze Frozen Yogurt Next:Blue Reef Fish & Chips Store Details The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Tel: 04-890 5733 | www.coffeebean.com.my Coffee Bean has been serving thier customers the best coffees and teas from around the world, since 1963. Today, they still remain committed to their...
BEANSTRO清真| 西式 | 咖啡厅Beanstro 餐厅位于新加坡中心地带,装潢时尚,独具一格,充满现代感的氛围让人流连忘返。美食选择多种多样,如橄榄油蒜蓉虎虾、炸红鲷鱼薯条和经典汉堡等等。您还可以在这里品尝用平衡式塞风壶冲泡的精品咖啡。这种冲泡方法可以追溯到 18 世纪,是当时维也纳皇家等皇室贵族常用的冲泡方法。想来...