Coffee-House 显示所有例句 n. 1. (尤指流行于英国 18 世纪或中欧城市里的)咖啡馆a restaurant serving coffee, etc., especially one of a type popular in Britain in the 18th century or one in a city in Central Europe 2. (可听音乐、诗歌等的)咖啡馆a restaurant serving coffee, etc. where peo...
Coffee by day, cocktails by night.Welcome to SOCIAL, Leonardtown Maryland’s neighborhood coffeehouse and cocktail bar! Over the years, we’ve created a welcoming space for our community to hangout, study, party, and be social. But we’re more than just a place to gather. SOCIAL is built...
Capital O 92895 Nr.55咖啡与房子(House n Coffee 55 Temanggung RedPartner) Daun Mas Resto1.28公里 Pujasera1.22公里 Lesehan Papringan Temanggung1.28公里 Stylo Bar & Kitchen (Temanggung)1.6公里 Cangkirhouse1.85公里 Berjumpa Coffee & Eatery1.76公里 ...
而Mango Tree Bar & Lounge则是一个放松身心的好地方,您可以在这里享用清爽的饮品和美味的小吃。Onsea House Arusha则提供精致的国际美食,适合追求高端用餐体验的客人。Players Gym不仅是健身的好去处,还设有餐饮服务,方便您在锻炼后享用健康美食。Rivertrees Country Inn则以其宁静的环境和美味的当地菜肴而受到欢迎...
While coffee houses are still popular today, there are many differences between them. A coffee house can be a diner, a small, cheap restaurant, a tea room, or a transportation cafe. These places may have characteristics of a restaurant or a bar. Some have a distinct identity, such as off...
一楼为Cafe&Bar,二楼则是民宿 吧台可见的烫金“1953” 源于这里的建筑建于1953年 主理人用了近两年时间 将其翻新,重现昨日 民国风格的前台、复古拉闸式电梯 老式拨号座机、绿台灯、黑胶留声机 一件旧物,一首老歌 那些埋藏在时光里的故事 在某一个午后,你静静回味 ...
这次不知道怎么了,每一杯都踩在喜欢的点上 闻到朋友喝的那杯有浓浓柠檬清香味儿 然后就有了p3说想喝一杯带点橙子味的,老板就给调了一杯橙味sour,好喜欢好爱下次还要喝! dotSource: length_relaxed: entertainment_bar_product_module: technicianId:
A Keen House 画廊和咖啡店二合为一的A Keen House 位于曼谷旅游区通罗区,楼高三层,第一层是咖啡店;第二层是画廊;第三层是用作工作坊的空间。A Keen House 以奶白作主色调,被不同热带植物包围着,加上以几乎全玻璃的外墙打造,犹如走进市区中的温室一样,十分明亮。
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. coffee table- low table where magazines can be placed and coffee or ...
Coffee shop 或 coffee house 在美国指贩卖以咖啡为主各类热饮的咖啡馆。在欧陆国家这个词则并不常见,...