Download the Jesus + Coffee app: Here's an idea, why don't we READ THE BIBLE! Recently it has dawned on me that there are many of us who call ourselves Christians that do not have a regular diet of reading the God's word and in times like these, digging...
by the time our office Keurig had finished sputtering and I took my first sip of that Hazelnut Vanilla coffee, it struck me:There’s a sliver of truth here…
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A Bible, a Guitar, and a Two-Pound Coffee CanBibleGuitarCoffeeTelephone LinesDwight A. MoodyChristian Ethics Today
“What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book, and a cup of coffee?” 20 Dave Barry Getty Images “It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreatio...
Ralph S. Hattox’s book is subtitled “The Origins of a Social Beverage in the Medieval Near East”. He summarizes the history of coffee’s rise in the Near East, and its growth as a social facilitator much like alcohol elsewhere, with cafés replacing t
Specialty coffee roasted daily for a fair and reasonable price! Subsctiptions with free shipping available. Stop drinking bad coffee - you deserve better.
Manna and Coffee Do-over (by Len Winneroski) “A silent coffee cup often said more during any conversation than those doing the talking.”– Jerry Vanschaik, author of The Trier, A Week in the Life and Death of a Coffeehouse I am approaching the end of the seventh month since I retir...
Manna and Coffee Do-over (by Len Winneroski) “A silent coffee cup often said more during any conversation than those doing the talking.”– Jerry Vanschaik, author of The Trier, A Week in the Life and Death of a Coffeehouse I am approaching the end of the seventh month since I retir...
Count down the five minutes until your church service starts with this Jesus And Coffee Countdown Church Video that features a five-minute countdown timer. Properties Audience Church Media Media Type videos CATEGORY Countdown Videos Keywords