cofactor of a determinant 行列式的余子式 determinant of a matrix 矩阵的行列式,矩阵的行列式 minor of a determinant 子行列式 order of a determinant 行列式的阶 alien cofactor 不相关余子式 platelet cofactor 血小板辅因子 normalized cofactor 正规余因子 heparin cofactor 肝素辅因子 reduced cofacto...
4) minor of determinant 子行列式5) operator determinant 算子行列式6) determinant factor 行列式因子 1. This article proves the theorem that equivalent λ matrixes have equal determinant factors, and puts forward the arithmetic of λ matrixs constant factor. 文章详细论证了相抵的λ矩阵的行列式...
L. A. ReinkeF. C. KauffmannR. G. Thurmanhandbook of experimental pharmacologyReinke, L.A., Kauffman, F.C., Thurman, R.G., 1994. Cofactor Suppy as a rate-limiting determinant of hepatic conjugation reactions, in: Kauffman, F.C. (Ed.), Conjugation-- Deconjugation Reactions in Drug ...
Boolean-Like Algebras of Finite Dimension: From Boolean Products to Semiring Products Chapter © 2024 The Boolean Determinant Calculus Chapter © 2022 References D. S. Chesley and J. H. Bevis, “Determinants for matrices over lattices,” Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 68, No. 2,...
The meaning of COFACTOR is the signed minor of an element of a square matrix or of a determinant with the sign positive if the sum of the column number and row number of the element is even and with the sign negative if it is odd. How to use cofactor in
1.(Mathematics)mathsa number associated with an element in a square matrix, equal to the determinant of the matrix formed by removing the row and column in which the element appears from the given determinant. Seeminor 2.(Biochemistry)biochema nonprotein substance that forms a complex with certa...
(CofactorExpansionusingroworcolumnofdeterminant)Math.Dept.,WuhanUniversityofTechnology (1)ComplementMinor(余子式)andCofactor(代数余子式)Definition1ifDaijisann×ndeterminant,thecomplementminorofapq,denotedbyMpq,isdefinedtobethe(n-1)×(n-1)determinantobtainedbydeletingthepthrowandqthcolumnofD,andthe...
Cofactor expansion is a way of computing the determinant of a matrix. Recall that a determinant is a number related to various important properties of a matrix. In particular, you can invert a matrix if, and only if, its determinant is not equal to zero. Inverting matrices is covered in ...
The(i, j)-minor is the determinant of the(n-1) × (n-1)submatrix ofAformed by removing thei-th row andj-th column. The sign factor is(-1)i+j. Multiplying the minor by the sign factor, we obtain the(i, j)-cofactor.