Applies to: Codral Cold and Flu + Cough Day and Night (acetaminophen / chlorpheniramine / dextromethorphan / phenylephrine) Ask your doctor before using acetaminophen together with ethanol (alcohol). This can cause serious side effects that affect your liver. Call your doctor immediately...
Codral Cold and Flu Tablets - Codeine phosphate; Paracetamol; Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride - Medical DrugVirtual Medical Centre Com
研究表明,澳洲最严重的感冒和流感季节即将到来。 《信使邮报》3月29日报道,根据Codral感冒和流感(Codral Cold & Flu Forecast)的最新预测,澳洲人将经历近年来最糟糕的感冒与流感季之一,可能会超过去年异常高的发病率。 通过对全澳的情况进行监测,预测最常见的症状将是鼻塞、咳嗽、疼痛和发烧。 Codral发言人说:“该...
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