codon_start=1 是指从序列位置1开始编码蛋白.
VDR gene polymorphism at exon 2 start codon (FokI) may have influenced Type 1 diabetes mellitus susceptibility in two Spanish populations. Diabet Med 2004; 21(4):393–394.L. Audi, G. Marti, C. Esteban, VDR gene polymorphism at exon 2 start codon (FokI) may have influenced Type 1 ...
Definition Polypeptide synthesis usually starts with the amino acid methionine, which is encoded by the AUG‐triplet (start codon) nearest to the 5′ end of the mRNA . Translational Control in EukaryotesDefinitionPolypeptide synthesis usually starts with the amino acid methionine, which is encoded by...
We then showed that uAUG-ds structures are present in mammalian transcripts, by performing in vivo SHAPE-MaP analysis on a mutant version of the tumour suppressorBRCA1mRNA that is found in breast cancer tissue. The translation of this mutantBRCA1mRNA is known to be inhibited by uAUG2 and u...
2012 (2)Semler O, Garbes L, Keupp K, et al. A mutation in the 5'-UTR of IFITM5 creates an in-frame start codon and causes autosomal- dominant osteogenesis imperfecta type 吁 with hyperplastic callus. Am J Hum Genet, 2012, 91(2): 349-357...
Overrepresentation of Lys2 is negatively correlated with the G + C content and overrepresentation of Ser2 or Thr2 is positively correlated with the G + C content of genomes. Ile at the 4th to the 8th positions were found to be overrepresented for 91% of the genomes analyzed and this ...
pre-S2 mutationNF-B activationhepatocellular carcinomaA cross-sectional study on hepatitis B patients in Indonesia showed association of pre-S2 start codon mutation (M120V) with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which was dissimilar from studies from other populations where pre-S2 deletion...
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2002;81(2):93-8.Chen HY, Chen WC, Hsu CD, et al. Relation of vitamin D receptor FokI start codon polymorphism to bone mineral density and occurrence of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women in Taiwan. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2002;81:93-8....
Although only 2/2 reads harbored this c.1A?>?T transversion, the presence of ~25?Mb autozygosity at this locus implied homozygosity, which was confirmed using Sanger sequencing. A similarly‐affected sister was also homozygous. FACS analysis of PIGH ‐deficient CHO cells indicated that cDNAs ...
Caban, KelvinGonzalez, Ruben L.Elsevier B.V.BiochimieCaban, K. & Gonzalez, R. L. The emerging role of rectified thermal fluctuations in initiator aa-tRNA- and start codon selection during translation initiation. Biochimie 114, 30-38 (2015)....