Port 443 2. 安装Scoop, a command-line installer for Windows. 在PowerShell中安装Scoop: Set-ExecutionPolicy-ExecutionPolicyRemoteSigned-ScopeCurrentUserInvoke-RestMethod-Urihttps://get.scoop.sh|Invoke-Expression 然后使用scoop安装Windows terminal, git, CMake, VS Code, Oh My Posh,Miniconda 注意用户名不要...
Cascadia Code is the default coding font for Visual Studio and the Windows Terminal. This free programming font comes with an italic, cursive, and mono variant. The mono version has no ligatures, making it work for coding purposes due to its simplicity. Cascadia Code also supports the embeddin...
Cascadia Codeis the default coding font for Visual Studio and the Windows Terminal. This free programming font comes with an italic, cursive, and mono variant. The mono version has no ligatures, making it work for coding purposes due to its simplicity. Cascadia Code also supports the embedding...
aider is GPT powered coding in your terminal aider is a command-line chat tool that allows you to write and edit code with OpenAI's GPT models. You can ask GPT to help you start a new project, or modify code in your existing git repo. Aider makes it easy to git commit, diff & ...
Code editors immediately warn of any syntax errors. Developers don’t have to worry about syntax. Auto indentation & auto-completion saves a lot of time. Some editors, like sublime text and visual studio code, have an integrated terminal. ...
Terminal CSS A modern and minimal CSS framework for terminal lovers. Sakura A minimal classless css framework / theme. PSone PS1 style CSS Framework, inspired by NES.css. Marx Marx is the classless CSS reset to be used in any projects (namely small ones). Tufte Style your ...
entertogether.ai. Their free account offers the 11B model at no charge while also having easy access to the 90B model. So, I downloaded Docker Desktop as thegetting started docssuggested and then my inexperience hit a roadblock: How to run a docker terminal command and what command to run?
Then you go to the command line/terminal for Linux (Like the command prompt on windows) & type in a command to compile the program. I don't know what languages or how many built in compilers there are supported. The Linux section should show some promise if you inquire however, I'd ...
Windows下最漂亮的Terminal Emulator是什么? 极客学长Bravo 华东师范大学 计算机科学与技术硕士 极客学长Bravo: 最漂亮的当然非微软自家的 Windows Terminal 莫属了,网上能轻易找到的视频这里就不再放了~ 新Logo: 微软在2019年5月6日至5月8日的 Build 2019 大会上展… ...