Given two arrays of integers a[] and b[] of size n and m, the task is to check if a pair of values (one value from each array) exists such that swapping the elements of the pair will make the sum of two arrays equal. Note: Return 1 if there exists any such pair otherwise retu...
Arrays Array Character Arrays 2D Matrix Multiplication 2D Input 2D Matrix Multiplication 2D Matrix Search Questions 2D Input 2D Input 1 Continuous Subarray Sum Multiple K Find Pivot Element Frequency of Each Element in Sorted Array Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Sudoku Solver Longest Arithmeti...
Building Ultimate Data Structure and Algorithms in C++ Solution Repository. Solution to various DSA problems including problem from Leetcode, Codechef, GFG, Coding Ninjas. - Kanav-Arora/DSA-Guide
Building Ultimate Data Structure and Algorithms in C++ Solution Repository. Solution to various DSA problems including problem from Leetcode, Codechef, GFG, Coding Ninjas. - Kanav-Arora/DSA-Guide