Among linear lncRNAs, lincRNAs are the most conspicuous group and include some of the most well-studied examples, in development and in cancer.59LincRNAX-inactive specific transcript(Xist), which is responsible for X chromosome inactivation and gene dosage compensation, was discovered in the early...
Qualitative data coding explained simply – with examples.By: Jenna Crosley (PhD) | Reviewed by:Dr Eunice Rautenbach | December 2020 As we’ve discussed previously, qualitative research makes use of non-numerical data – for example, words, phrases or even images and video. To analyse this ...
11.具有R Markdown,Git,Make和Docker的可重复性数据分析工作流。 reproducible research 12.强化学习纲要。 introRL 13.R语言包datadrivencv,用于从电子表格构建可定制的简历 datadrivencv 14.R语言包oceanmap,用于绘制2D海洋数据的R包。 oceanmap 15.精选的合成孔径雷达(SAR)软件,库和资源的精选列表。 awesome sa...
Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education ResearchRachel E. Scherr. "Video analysis for insight and coding: Examples from tutorials in introductory physics". In: Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research 5.2 (Oct. 2009), p. 020106. issn: 1554-9178. doi: 10.1103/Phys...
[43]. This might demonstrate its critical role in the brain, includingneurodevelopmentand neural plasticity, which still needs to be fully understood [41]. The research interest in recent years has led to new insights. For example, in mice brains, a specific lncRNA was found critical for ...
In higher level languages like Python or Java, these are hidden from you. In day to day work, that's terrific, but when you're learning how these low-level data structures are built, it's great to feel close to the metal. C is everywhere. You'll see examples in books, lectures,...
The matrix Ek stands for the error for all the N examples when the kth atom is removed. The algorithm of SVD would be advised to find dk and xTk, which finds the closest rank-1 matrix (in Frobenius norm) that approximates Ek and effectively minimizes the error as defined in Eq. (10...
Examples: Assuming "sh" is "bash" is a common mistake that will not work on Debian or BSD, which use Almquist shell derivatives rather than bash. Parsing files in /proc is not portable. /proc is deprecated on FreeBSD and the files use different formats on different systems. ...
4.Location based services: ongoing evolution and research agenda/基于位置的服务:持续的发展和研究议程 我们现在生活在一个移动信息时代,它正在从根本上改变科学和社会。 基于位置的服务(LBS)根据(移动)设备和用户的位置提供信息,在这个移动信息时代起着关键作用。 本文首先回顾了过去几年LBS科学领域的不断发展和研...
Video coding has been growing in the last decades as a fundamental field of research in multimedia technology, since it enables highly modern devices and applications that would otherwise need to manage huge amounts of uncompressed data. Historically, video coding was concerned with compressing as ...