Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding in Go, with speeds exceeding 1GB/s/cpu core implemented in pure Go. This is a Go port of theJavaReedSolomonlibrary released byBackblaze, with some additional optimizations. For an introduction on erasure coding, see the post on theBackblaze blog. ...
Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding in Go, with speeds exceeding 1GB/s/cpu core implemented in pure Go. This is a Go port of the JavaReedSolomon library released by Backblaze, with some additional optimizations. For an introduction on erasure coding, see the post on the Backblaze blog. For encoding...
Twenty-five translators to translate the documentation and error messages into all the languages supported by Windows.The managers for the translators live in Ireland (European languages) and Japan (Asian languages), which are both severely time-shifted from Redmond, so dealing with them can be a ...
Java Python Question 15 Problem Statement You are required to input the size of the matrix then the elements of matrix, then you have to divide the main matrix in two sub matrices (even and odd) in such a way that element at 0 index will be considered as even and element at 1st ind...
(A) Normalized genome-wide contact matrices for multipotent progenitors, pro-B cells, and DN2 cells of a genomic region located on chromosome 12 are displayed. Top panel shows coding elements (blue) associated with chromosome 12. Positive PC1 values are indicated in black, whereas negative PC1...
Wild-type KRAS (KRASWT) amplification has been shown to be a secondary means of KRAS activation in cancer and associated with poor survival. Nevertheless, the precise role of KRASWT overexpression in lung cancer progression is largely unexplored. Here, w
Adding accessors for another bit in my Cell struct is straightforward: private const int next = 5; private const int nextm = 1 << next; public bool Next => (cell & nextm) != 0; public Cell NextAlive() => new Cell((byte)(cell | nextm)); public Cell NextDead() => new Cell...
Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) play crucial roles in regulating gene expression in response to plant stresses. Given the importance regulatory roles of lncRNAs, providing methods for predicting the function of these molecules, especially in non-model plants, is strongly demanded by researchers. Here...
but work hard to find alternatives. As an example, adding two matrices stored in files and saving the result to another file does not require the use of arrays. (Think about it.) Using arrays for this task only slows down the program and limits the size of the matrices it can process....
(SVM) are used for Action Unit (AU) classification; in the second layer, a matrix is built containing the AUs’ intensity levels; and in the third layer, an optimal feedforward neural network (FFNN) analyzes the matrix from the second layer in a pattern recognition task, predicting the ...