Having led the bootcamp's operations for a year now, Hill emphasizes how valuable its more than40 partner companieshave been to helping close the industry's gender gap. In fact, its partner company Reddit recentlydonated $150,000to help cover tuition costs for select bootcamp participants. Reddi...
Six months ago I decided I wanted to become a software developer. I had almost no coding background whatsoever, but screw it, I decided to take the leap. I applied to all of the coding bootcamps in...
Bootcamp to Engineer: How I Got My Job May 28, 2016 35 Amazing Web Apps by Hackbright’s Latest Grads April 26, 2016 My first coding project in Python! December 8, 2015 Engineering Manager at SurveyMonkey: Sara Gottlieb, Hackbright Alumna ...
2.FreeCodeCamp Free Code Camp is aweb development bootcampthat has helped tens of thousands of their graduates find a job at tech companies. They have comprehensive tracks for learning web design, web development including frontend and backend, data visualisation and more. They also have an entir...