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1. to set up and manage the input/output video frame buffers for both multiple buffer and ring buffer instances; 2. to set up, initialize, and then manage the VPU codecs for encoding, decoding, and transcoding of H.264, MPEG-4, MPEG-2, etc. video from a file, a stream, or othe...
To change the behavior of Emmet’s filters and actions, try editingpreferences.json. To define how generated HTML or XML should look, editsyntaxProfiles.json. And A Lot More! This is just the beginning. Emmet has a lot of other cool features, such asencoding and decoding images todata:URL...
Python is a popular programming language that is widely used for implementing algorithms. With its intuitive syntax, dynamic typing, and powerful libraries, Python provides a flexible and efficient platform for solving complex problems. In this article, we’ll explore some unique and smart ways to...