CC 75 BY-SA-NC-3.0 自由授權) /fao-who-codexalimentarius/sh-proxy/tr/?lnk=1url=https%253A%252F%252F%252Fsites %252Fcodex%252FStandards%252FCXC%2B1-1969%252FCXC_001e.pdf 下載本文件之翻譯與註解 80 /2020/12/2020-11-23-general-principles-of-food.html Codex 2020 新版食品衛生一般原則...
Report.pdf-1.pdf. Food safety is highly impactfull………. 4 Food Safety challenges in China Examples: • 200 million farming households and 400,000 food-processing enterprises with fewer than 10 employees…. • Fraudulent practices causing many incidents and scandals • Hyping consumer ...
2. Impact of the Codex Alimentarius:The Influence of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme on EU Food Law [J] . Bernd van der Meulen European Food and Feed Law Review . 2019,第1期 机译:Codex Alimentarius的影响:粮农组织联合/谁的欧盟食品法律规划的影响 3. 40th Session of the Jo...
系统标签: porcins bovins journaliere residus corporel alimentarius CAC/LMR2-2011Pagede36CommissionduCodexAlimentariusLimitesmaximalesdersidusdemdicamentsvtrinairesdanslesalimentsMiseslatrente-quatrimesessiondelaCommissionduCodexAlimentarius(juillet2011)INDEXMdicamentVtrinairePageMdicamentVtrinairePageAbamectineFlum...
WHOLE AND DECORTICATED PEARL MILLET GRAINS CODEX STAN 169-1989 (Rev. 1 - 1995) The Annex to this standard contains provisions which are not intended to be applied within the meaning of the acceptance provisions of Section 4.A (I)(b) of the General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius....
食品中含有许多促进健康的成分,因此,我们鼓励人们在考虑使用任何维生素和矿物质补充剂之前,从食品中选择均衡的饮食。如果无法通过饮食获得充足的营养或者消费者认为需要补充其饮食,则可以使用维生素和矿物质食品补充剂来补充日常饮食。 1. 范围 1.1 本指南适用于维生素和矿物质食品补充剂,这些补充剂旨在以维生素和/或矿...
Codex Alimentarius Commission – Procedural Manual:食品法典委员会–程序手册 下载积分:2500 内容提示: PROC EDURAL MANUALCODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSIONISSN 1020-8070C O D E X A L I M E N T A R I U SJoint FAO/WHO Food Standards ProgrammeNineteenth edition 文档格式:PDF | 页数:192 | 浏览...
Codex Alimentarius is a collection of international standards of foods, codes of practice, methodologies and other recommendations that are related to foods, food production, and safety. Codex Alimentarius originated from the Latin term "Codex Alimentarius", meaning "Food Law" or "Food Code" [1]....
5.2 PESTICIDE RESIDUES The products covered by the provisions of this Standard shall comply with those maximum pesticide residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for these products. 6 HYGIENE 6.1 It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this Standard be...