CODEX GENERAL STANDARD FOR FOOD ADDITIVES ( GS- FA) CODEX STAN 192-1995, [S/OL]. http: //www. co- dexalimentarius, net/gsfaonline/docs/CXS_ 192e. pdf.CODEX. 2008. Codex General Standard for Food Additives: Codex Stan 192-1995.
During the last ten days of March 2019, about 350 food safety regulators from all over the world attended the 51st session of the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Food Additives (CCFA51) and found consensus on all issues on the session’s agenda, even faster than expected. The consensu...
系统标签: 添加剂 食品 法典 codex alimentarius jecfa CODEXSTAN192-1995第1共307页 1995年采纳,1997、1999、2001、2003、2004、2005、2006、2007、2008、2009、2010、2011、2012、 2013年修订。 食品添加剂通用法典标准 CODEXSTAN192-1995 前言 1.范围 1.1列入本标准的食品添加剂只有在本标准中列出的、符合本标准...
contaminantinfeedcanbetransferredtofoodofanimaloriginandcanberelevantforpublichealth. 1.2DEFINITIONOFTERMS 1.2.1General ThedefinitionsforthepurposeoftheCodexAlimentarius,asmentionedintheProceduralManual,areapplicable totheGeneralStandardforContaminantsandToxinsinFoodandFeed(GSCTFF)andonlythemostimportant onesarerepeated...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Leonardo da Vinci (redirected fromCodex Atlanticus) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Le·o·nar·do da Vin·ci (lē′ə-när′dō də vĭn′chē, dä, lā′-)1452-1519. ...
CODEX STAN 192-1995 Page 4 of 287 Alimentarius Commission9 or, in the absence of such specifications, with appropriate specifications developed by responsible national or international bodies. In terms of safety, food grade quality is achieved by conformance of additives to their specifications as a...
A Codex Alimentarius Commission Substance is a material included in international food standards to ensure the quality and safety of the food supply, covering aspects such as hygienic and nutritional quality, food additives, pesticide residues, contaminants, and methods of analysis. ...
委员会的宗旨是保护食品消费者的健康;保证食品贸易的公平交易;促进各国政府和非政府组织间有关食品标准工作的协作,通过和借助于这些组织决定先后顺序和促进及保证标准草案的拟订;最后决定标准并在被政府采纳后,在食品法规(Codex Alimentarius)中公布,作为地区性或世界范围的标准。食品法规委员会每两年召开一次全体会议。
The Codex Committee on Food Additives under the Codex Alimentarius Commission has been discussing the maximum levels of Red 2G allowed in some food items. 食品法典委員會之下的食品添加 劑委員會 一直 在討論某些食品內 紅 2G的最高准許含量。 [...] recommendatio...
Report of the 32nd Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants. ALINORM 01/12A, Rome:Codex Alimentarius Commission. Report of the 35th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants. ALINORM 03/12A, Rome:Codex Alimentarius Commission. Adverse health effects...