it is useful to look at the guidance given by professional codes of ethics. In recent years, several codes for nurses have emerged. Not only is there an international code (ICN, 1973), but there are also codes for Canada, the USA, and the UK. In the course of the book we shall be...
AnaEBSCO_AspPloS oneKomić, D., Marušić, S. L., & Marušić, A. (2015). Research integrity and research ethics in professional codes of ethics: Survey of terminology used by professional organizations across research disci- plines. PLOS One.
As formal documents sending a message to the professional community about standards guiding professional behavior, ethics codes seem to be a good place for addressing responsible conduct of research. However, research integrity concepts are not often addressed in ethics codes published in English. It ...
Research integrity/ethics statements in ethics codes of professional organizations (n = 795) in the Codes of Ethics Collection, ranked by the number of organizations with a statement addressing the...
Research integrity (RI) statements in ethics codes of all professional organizations in 27 categories of the Codes of Ethics Collection, in alphabetical order of organization categories.Dubravka, KomićStjepan, Ljud...
185 journals from Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), 260 journals from Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) and 651 codes of ethics from professional organizations from the online database of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Profession, USA. ...
As the primary certification organization in behavior analysis, the BACB has published nine ethics-based documents and codes since its inception in 1998. The ethics standards in these publications have served as the basis of ethics education and disciplinary enforcement in applied behavior analysis for...
185 journals from Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), 260 journals from Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) and 651 codes of ethics from professional organizations from the online database of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Profession, USA. ...
unrelated prime is a word rather than a nonword (i.e., a response congruency effect). One possible explanation for this discrepancy is a difference in methodology, as these two studies are the only ones to have used repeated presentation of stimuli, which could lead to the creation of an ...
Almost all journals had defined authorship criteria compared with 33 % of the ethics codes ( $ \\chi_{1}^{2} $ = 75.975; P $ \\chi_{1}^{2} $ = 51.709, PLanaOfficeBošnjakOfficeAnaOfficeMarušićOfficeSpringer...