In Jailbreak, you can use cash to purchase anything you might need to perform better in the game. Use it to obtain more powerful weapons, faster cars, and even air vehicles. Or, if you like the more social aspects of the game, you can use cash to buy customization options for your ch...
With Jailbreak, Greenville, and Car Dealership Tycoon all performing exceptionally well on the platform, it's no secret that experiences centered around racing and cars in general are beloved by Roblox players. Few experiences, however, offer as many free avatar items as the McLaren F1 Racing Exp...
Jailbreak – free cash! JEFF Jenga Tower Jet Wars 2 Jetpack Jumpers Jualan Simulator Juice Legends Jujutsu Academy Jujutsu Kaizen Jumping Legends Junkbots Story Jupiter Florida [Update!] K Knight Save Princess Simulator K-Cards Kaiju Arisen — Are There Any? Kaiju Paradise Kaizen Karate! Karate ...