Vulnerable codes are meant to demonstrate SSRF for below mentioned 5 scenarios: 1. Application code that fetches and display the content of the specified file In programming languages, there are functions which can fetch the contents of locally saved file. These functions may be capable of fetching...
CYBER SECURITY & ETHICAL HACKING - Specialization | 13 Course Series | 3 Mock TestsMost Popular Learning Paths in Software Development 13 Courses | 89 of HD Videos | Certificates for each Course Completed 2. After installing the GitLab package create a directory for cloning of git. We are cre...
“Definitely worth the read even as an experienced Python developer. I learned more about cryptography and even a few new Python tricks.”—Ray Doyle, The Ethical Hacker Network “I recommend this book for anyone who wants to learn Python/programming and is interested in security or puzzles.”...
Note that the tail command is being used for a file called error.log; in this scenario, the error.log file had been created by an administrator who had root access (the administrator had redirected errors meeting a specific criteria to the non-standard error log). Additionally, if the syste...
this code may be used for an emergency access to the system [2]. Google users who use two factor authentication may download a backup code too or may add a backup phone in addition to the standard one [6]. Very similarly, Apple users get a recovery key for two factor authentication to...
Application code perform domain resolution to its IP and again perform black listed IP check for the resolved IP. Guide to Exploitation of Scenario 5 Ofcourse,--==[[ With Love From IndiShell ]]==-- --==[[ Greetz To ]]==-- Guru ji zero, Code breaker ICA, root_devil, google_...