An official authentication and authorization framework CodeIgniter Shield Easy to add third party authentication A02:2021 Cryptographic Failures The first thing is to determine the protection needs of data in transit and at rest. For example, passwords, credit card numbers, health records, personal...
i trie to setup my codeigniter framework with shield. For that i think i have finaly setup shield with this command "php spark shieldetup" After typing this command in putty, i recieved this message: "php spark Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function str_starts_with() in ...
The old passwords saved in Shield v1.0.0-beta.3 or earlier are no longer supported. Version 1.0.0-beta.7 to 1.0.0-beta.8 Mandatory Config Changes Helper Autoloading Helper autoloading has been changed to be done by CodeIgniter's autoloader instead of Composer. So you need to update the ...
<?phpnamespaceCodeIgniter\Shield\Config;useCodeIgniter\Shield\Filters\SessionAuth;useCodeIgniter\Shield\Filters\TokenAuth;classRegistrar{/*** Registers the Shield filters.*/publicstaticfunctionFilters():array{return['aliases'=>['session'=>SessionAuth::class,'tokens'=>TokenAuth::class,],];}} ...
<?php use CodeIgniter\Publisher\Publisher; $source = service('autoloader')->getNamespace('CodeIgniter\\Shield')[0]; $publisher = new Publisher($source, APPPATH); $file = APPPATH . 'Config/App.php'; $publisher->addLineAfter( $file, ' public int $myOwnConfig = 1000;', // Adds this...
In the root of your package directory, create acomposer.jsonfile. This file defines metadata about your package and its dependencies. Thecomposerinitcommand helps you create it. For example,composer.jsonmight look like this: {"name":"your-vendor/your-package","description":"Your package descript...