1.) Two applications In CodeIgniter you can easily set up multiple applications to run off the same CodeIgniter install, simply by creating a copy of index.php and renaming it to something else. / applications/ frontend/ controllers/ home.php blog.php comments.php models/ blog_model.php comme...
Message: Extension {curl} is not installed or not enabled, please check your php env. sudo apt-get install php-curl即可修复 云存储没配置,看看config下的oss文件
notes: 上面autoload参数很重要,因为doctrine的启动需要指明entity目录,原始例子中给定的是/src,这里我们放在CI的model/entities目录下,另外,同时创建model/generated 与 models/proxies目录,generated目录用来由数据库生成entity,proxies目录用来存放lazy load需要生成的代码. b. 安装doctrine: composer install. 安装后目录结...
1.5启动:进行DOC窗口,CD C:\Apache24\bin,httpd.exe为窗口启动,httpd.exe -k install为安装服务。然后访问http://localhost:8080即可显示It works! 2 PHP安装 2.1下载:访问下载WINDOWS XP可以使用的最新版本。 2.2解压:C:\PHP 2.3环境变量:右击我的电脑,点击属性,点击高级--...
This will install the correct version for your current PHP version. Once that is done, you can run all of the tests for this project by typing: vendor/bin/phpunit If you are using Windows, use the following command: vendor\bin\phpunit Phar The other option is to download the .pha...
如何在CodeIgniter4?中集成节点包我应该在哪里启动npm?在我安装了一个包(例如npm install animate.css--save)之后,如何在我的应用程序中引用这个包?我是否使用<link href="<?= 浏览3提问于2021-09-28得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 codeigniter多语言
安装axios cnpm install axios --save-dev 项目中引入axios 修改文件main.js importAxiosfrom'axios'//配置全局Vue.prototype.axios=Axios 在组件中使用 修改文件components/HelloWorld.vue 注释部分为ES5写法,需要在修改data的时候提前存入this 而用es6箭头函数则不需要 ...
试图通过composerfor mac在XAMPP7.1.32 rev 1中安装maatwebsite/excel。如何在XAMPP中启用这些扩展,或者还有其他问题。请帮帮我。composerinstallUpdating dependencies (including- maatwebsite/excel 3.1.11 requires phpoffi 浏览3提问于2019-10-11得票数 16 ...
chore: install PhpMetrics 3.0.0rc6 11个月前 phpstan-baseline.php Merge pull request #8986 from kenjis/fix-OCI8-connect 7个月前 phpstan-bootstrap.php Update phpstan-bootstrap.php 3年前 phpstan.neon.dist Bump to phpstan v1.11 8个月前 phpunit.xml.dist chore: add default ...