最近一直在寻找,如何不通过 select count(*) from table where 字段 = ‘值’ 类似这样的语句,大约...
在where子句中,我们可以使用and和or来组合多个条件。例如: 代码语言:php 复制 $this->db->select('*'); $this->db->from('table1'); $this->db->join('table2', 'table1.id = table2.id'); $this->db->where('table1.name', 'John'); $this->db->or_where('table1.age', 30); $qu...
$array (array)– Data rows (most likely from query results) $indexes (array)– Indexes to group values. Follows dot syntax $includeEmpty (bool)– If true, null and '' values are not filtered out Return type: array Returns: An array grouped by indexes values This function allows you ...
$returnedValues (array|string)– What type of info to return to be passed as array or comma separated string Returns: An array containing info on the specified file or false on failure Return type: array Given a file and path, returns (optionally) the name, path, size and date modifie...
publicfunctionwhere($key,$value=NULL,$escape=NULL){return$this->_wh('qb_where',$key,$value,'AND ',$escape);} 可以看到对where的参数还是解析到一个特定数组中去了,所以很肯定了,其他方法也是着这种类似抽象语法树的方式解析参数的 注意:后两种相对前两种没有第二个参数,对于和where,or_where 等相关...
CodeIgniter's DB implementation doesn't support indexed result arrays, you have to choose between object or associative array. This is done to make your queries more maintainable, as returning numeric indexes are harder to debug and maintain. CodeIgniter Docs - database results but you can do ...
where() 这个也不用多解释了,传的查询条件。可以写多个比如where('c.channelTag = :tag AND c.channelId = :id')当然,如果不想这样写的话还可以通过andWhere()方法来设置条件。 orWhere() 与上面一样,用过*CodeIgniter*框架的应该都知道吧,用法都差不多,得配合where()方法使用 ...
was written as a more flexible caching solution than those offered by CodeIgniter. As such it offers you a way to cache anything from a single variable, to a SQL query or the fully generated page. MP_Cache saves these entries serialized to files and has functions to retrieve and delete ...
And from my client_model: classClient_modelextendsMY_Model{functionget_record($client_id){$query=$this->db->select('id') ->where(array('id'=>$client_id)) ->get('clients');return$query->row_array(); } } Everytime I try to edit a "client", it just inserts a new ...
$where = "name='Joe' AND status='boss' OR status='active'"; ->where($where);---根据自定义的sql模式的where语句进行筛选 ->like('title', 'match', 'before');---模糊匹配,第三个参数可选,不选的话就是下面第三种情况,%match ->like('title', 'match', 'after');---模糊匹配,match% ...