在CodeIgniter 4中,ORDER BY子句用于对查询结果进行排序。这与SQL标准中的用法相同,用于指定一个或多个列以及排序的方向(升序或降序)。 基础概念 ORDER BY子句通常跟在SELECT语句之后,用于指定结果集的排序方式。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY column_name ASC;...
CodeIgniter是一个轻量级的PHP开发框架,它提供了一套简单而优雅的工具和库,帮助开发者快速构建Web应用程序。在CodeIgniter中,ORDER BY是一个用于查询语句的子句,用于指定结果集的排序方式。 ORDER BY子句按照指定的列或表达式对结果集进行排序,可以按升序(ASC)或降序(DESC)进行排序。在CodeIgniter中,我们可以使用Active ...
1 `qty` UNION ALL * SELECT 4 `line`, 48372 `order`, 'Mouse' `product`, 1 `qty` UNION ALL * SELECT 5 `line`, 48372 `order`, 'Monitor' `product`, 2 `qty` * ) `del` * ON `order_line`.`order` = `del`.`order` AND `order_line`.`line` = `del`.`line` * WHERE `del...
#0 /.../Codeigniter4/crm/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Database/BaseConnection.php(646): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->initialize() #1 /.../Codeigniter4/crm/vendor/codeigniter4/framework/system/Database/BaseBuilder.php(1860): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query() #2 /.../C...
4 Dev: Enhancement add support for dbGroup in is_unique and is_not_unique validation rulesdev #9215 openedOct 6, 2024bymaniaba 11 4.6dev 16 Bug: Time loses microsecondsbug #9079 openedJul 26, 2024bywkolaczek 18 DB BaseBuilder Join() - RawSql as tabledatabaseenhancement ...
->order_by('id','desc')->get()->result();4)单条记录 [php] view plain copy return $this->db->get_where('category', array('id' => $id))->row();5)多条记录 [php] view plain copy return $this->db->get_where('v_category', array('upid' => $upid))->result...
However, that directory has to be located in the PSR-4 namespaces so that the Autoloader can locate it. This could be in app/Commands, or a directory that you keep commands in to use in all of your project development, like Acme/Commands. Note When the commands are executed, the full ...
If the parameter takes any arguments, they must be separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses: { created_at|date(Y-m-d) } Multiple filters can be applied to the value by piping multiple ones together. They are processed in order, from left to right: { created_at|date_modify(+5...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $data = array( 'title' => 'My title', 'name'=>'My name', ); ->where('id',5)->updata('tableName',$data);---更新主键(id)为5的记录的相关数据九、删除1 2 3 $this->db->where('id', $id); $this->db->delete('mytable');标签: CodeIgniter...
#SQL:SELECT * FROM `dr_1_rcxq` WHERE `catid` = 1 AND `id` > 1 ORDER BY `id` asc LIMIT 1 #URL:http://zp3.ckiin.com/index.php?s=rcxq&c=show&id=1 #AGENT:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0 Win64 x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 ...