// MySQLi public array $default = [ 'DSN' => 'MySQLi://username:password@hostname:3306/database?charset=utf8mb4&DBCollat=utf8mb4_general_ci', // ... ]; // Postgre public array $default = [ 'DSN' => 'Postgre://username:password@hostname:5432/database?charset=utf8&connect_...
..code-block::none /app /Config Stores the configuration files /Controllers Controllers determine the program flow /Helpers Helpers store collections of standalone functions /Language Multiple language support reads the language strings from here /Libraries Useful classes that don’t fit in another cat...
Removing Session Data Just as with any other variable, unsetting a value in $_SESSION can be done through unset(): <?php unset($_SESSION['some_name']); // or multiple values: unset( $_SESSION['some_name'], $_SESSION['another_name'] ); Also, just as set() can be used ...
Useful for creating “copies” or a file or duplicating database content which has unique titles or slugs. Usage example: <?php echo increment_string('file', '_'); // "file_1" echo increment_string('file', '-', 2); // "file-2" echo increment_string('file_4'); // "file_5"...
[CodeIgniter4]概述-应用结构 应用结构 为了可以充分利用 CodeIgniter,你需要了解应用程序的结构,默认情况下,你可以更改内容以满足你的应用程序的需求。 默认目录 新安装的应用程序中有六个目录:/application,/system,/public,/writable,/tests和/docs。这些目录中的每一个都有一个非常具体的使用规范。
$db = \Config\Database::connect('group_name'); Where group_name is the name of the connection group from your config file. Multiple Connections to Same Database By default, the connect() method will return the same instance of the database connection every time. If you need to hav...
Returns an array containing the names of all the tables in the database you are currently connected to. Example: 返回一个正在连接的数据库中所有表名称的数组。例如: $tables = $this->db->list_tables();//fields foreach ($tables as $table) ...
Multiple Calls to the Same HookIf want to use the same hook point with more then one script, simply make your array declaration multi-dimensional, like this:$hook['pre_controller'][] = array( 'class' => 'MyClass', 'function' => 'Myfunction',...
fix: using multiple CLI::color() in CLI::write() outputs strings with wrong color by @kenjis in #5893 refactor: [Router] extract a class for auto-routing by @kenjis in #5877 feat: Debugbar request microtime by @kenjis in #5958 ...
In a case like this, the entire chunk of data between these pairs would be repeated multiple times, corresponding to the number of rows in the “blog_entries” element of the parameters array. Parsing variable pairs is done using the identical code shown above to parse single variables, ...