第一次正儿八经用CodeIgniter框架做项目,结果不会定义全局变量,只能在一个controller里定义一个public varable,每个函数调用,别的controller里还需要重新定义,view里还用不了,必须先传值。 经过研究,在CI中使用全局变量需要自定义Library的形式定义全局变量,这里我介绍一个用config里配置的方法 一:library/globals.php ...
第一次正儿八经用CodeIgniter框架做项目,结果不会定义全局变量,只能在一个controller里定义一个public varable,每个函数调用,别的controller里还需要重新定义,view里还用不了,必须先传值。 经过研究,在CI中使用全局变量需要自定义Library的形式定义全局变量,这里我介绍一个用config里配置的方法 一:library/globals.php ...
4.动态视图CodeIgniter 可以智能的处理在控制器中多次调用 view() 方法。如果出现了多次调用,它们将被合并到一起。例如,你可能希望有一个 页头视图、 一个菜单视图,一个内容视图 以及 一个页脚视图。代码看起来应该这样:public function index() { $data = [ page_title => Your title ]; echo view(header)...
view($name[, $data[, $options]]) Parameters: $name (string)– The name of the file to load $data (array)– An array of key/value pairs to make available within the view. $options (array)– An array of options that will be passed to the rendering class. Returns: The output ...
view('news/view') . view('templates/footer'); } } Don’t forget to add use CodeIgniter\Exceptions\PageNotFoundException; to import the PageNotFoundException class. Instead of calling the getNews() method without a parameter, the $slug variable is passed, so it will return the specific news...
refactor: improve Forge variable names by @kenjis in#8434 v4.4.4(2023-12-28) Full Changelog Breaking Changes fix: Validation rule with*gets incorrect values as dot array syntax by @kenjis in#8129 fix: validation rulematchesanddiffersby @kenjis in#8122 ...
public function new() { helper('form'); return view('templates/header', ['title' => 'Create a news item']) . view('news/create') . view('templates/footer'); } } We load the Form helper with the helper() function. Most helper functions require the helper to be loaded before us...
在CodeIgniter中,可以通过使用查询构建器或原生SQL语句的方式将变量值传递给SQL查询。 1. 使用查询构建器: - 首先,加载数据库库和查询构建器库:`$this->load->d...
Each view parameter (which we refer to as a pseudo-variable) triggers a substitution, based on the type of value you provided for it. Pseudo-variables are not extracted into PHP variables; instead their value is accessed through the pseudo-variable syntax, where its name is referenced inside...