在模型中使用validationRules验证表单是指在使用CodeIgniter 4框架开发应用程序时,通过模型层来验证表单数据的有效性。CodeIgniter 4提供了一种方便且可重复使用的方式来定义表单字段的验证规则,称为validationRules。 validationRules是一个数组,其中包含了需要验证的表单字段及其对应的验证规则。每个字段都可以有多个验证规则...
Laravel 验证器的强大之处不仅在于提供前面提到的多种请求验证方式,以及非常丰富的字段验证规则(不同规则...
These are my validation rules in Config\Validation:/** * Registration */ public $registration = [ 'username' => 'required|is_unique[users.username,username]|min_length[5]|max_length[25]|alpha_dash|badWordsFilter[username]', 'password' => 'required|min_length[8]|max_length[255]|regex_...
CodeIgniter\Model::cleanValidationRules() must be of the type array, string given #1707 alpha 4->5 query param binding #1705 failValidationError($description) #1702 Bug : changing viewsDirectory misses errors folder when exception occures #1701 Cannot define complex routes , i.e. date #1700 la...
根据PHP manual,过滤器_消毒_字符串:去除标记并对双引号和单引号进行HTML编码,还可以去除或编码特殊...
The validation rule "integer" fail as 500 error as below { "title": "TypeError", "type": "TypeError", "code": 500, "message": "CodeIgniter\\Validation\\FormatRules::integer(): Argument #1 ($str) must be of type ?string, array given, called in /var/www/src/system/Validation/Validat...
public function create() { helper('form'); $data = $this->request->getPost(['title', 'body']); // Checks whether the submitted data passed the validation rules. if (! $this->validateData($data, [ 'title' => 'required|max_length[255]|min_length[3]', 'body' => 'required|max...
1- when a user click reset password link a form appears 2- u put your email address and u click submit (the data is sent for validation) 3- if the email is valid and exist in the database a reset link is sent to the user, 4- when the user click the link it redirect him to ...