CodeIgniter简单安全的树枝 该软件包为 4.x提供了简单的Twig集成。 如果使用CodeIgniter3,请检查分支。要求PHP 7.2或更高版本CodeIgniter 4.0.4或更高版本Twig 3.1.1或更高版本安装与作曲家一起 $ cd /path/to/codeigniter/$ composer require kenjis/codeigniter-ss-twig
Codeigniter 4相对于 3.x 的变化
从3.x 升级到 4.x CodeIgniter 4 是框架的重写,并且不向后兼容。将你的应用程序转换更合适,而不是升级它。一旦你完成了转换,从 CodeIgniter 4 的一个版本升级到下一个版本将很简单。“精简、敏捷、简单”的理念仍然保留,但实现与 CodeIgniter 3 有很多不同。
CodeIgniter 4 requires composer 2.0.14 or later, if you were using the Git repository to store your code then the vendor folder would normally be in “git ignored”. In such instances, when cloning the repository onto a new system, executing a ‘composer update‘ becomes necessary. Composer ...
CodeIgniter 4 is a 1.1MB download, plus 1.6MB for the user guide (epub). Exceptional performance CodeIgniter consistently outperforms most of its competitors. Simple solutions over complexity CodeIgniter encourages MVC, but does not force it on you. ...
Codeigniter4.0-dev版源码学习笔记之五——相对于3.x的变化 前言 CI为了追上“大家”的脚步,这次跨了一大步,尽量使用了更多的流行设计理念,甚至连PHP的支持版本都是从7开始起步的。我在之前阅读源码的同时也发现了很多变化的地方,在此把已经发现的列举出来,不过肯定是不全的,因为我还没读完,逃跑~,。等再发现新...
The "lean, mean and simple" philosophy has been retained, but the implementation has a lot of differences, compared to CodeIgniter 3. There is no 12-step checklist for upgrading. Instead, start with a copy of CodeIgniter 4 in a new project folder,however you wish to install and use it,...
If you use ci3-to-4-upgrade-helper, You can run the following code on CodeIgniter4. app/Controllers/News.php <?php namespace App\Controllers; use App\Models\News_model; use Kenjis\CI3Compatible\Core\CI_Controller; use Kenjis\CI3Compatible\Library\CI_Form_validation; /** * @property Ne...
支持startwnmp.bat后,会注册并生成 zzg_mysql服务,在管理工具-服务窗口中可以管理它们; 并生成对应的进程:nginx.exe(3个进程,1个父进程,2个子进程)、mysqld.exe、php-cgi.exe(8个PHP FastCGI进程)、xxfpm.exe(8个PHP FastCGI进程的管理进程)。 运行stopwnmp.bat后,会停止并注销上述服务,同时杀死nginx.exe、xx...
CodeIgniter 3 PSR-4 Autoloader for Application. Contribute to yidas/codeigniter-psr4-autoload development by creating an account on GitHub.