$active_group = 'my_mssql'; $active_record = TRUE; $db['my_mssql']['hostname'] = 'xx.xx.xx.x'; $db['my_mssql']['username'] = 'wow_queue'; $db['my_mssql']['password'] = 'wow12345'; $db['my_mssql']['database'] = 'queue_sys'; $db['my_mssql']['dbdriver']...
However, there is a restriction: You can NOT use a persistent connection. Configure DatabaseHandler Setting Table Name In order to use the ‘DatabaseHandler’ session driver, you must also create this table that we already mentioned and then set it as your $savePath value. For exampl...
...通常,可以使用它来设置非标准标头;大多数常用标头都是通过Date等属性设置的。...此方法有两个参数: 标头的名称(不区分大小写),不带冒号(:)分隔符;这是一个字符串,如Host或Date 标头值 不能使用此方法设置实体标头或只读标头(Content-Length和Connection...
又传入了execute方法,再次跟进,如图: 可以看到又是抽象方法,那么我们看看是谁继承了BaseConnection,查找: 跟进并查找execute方法的定义。 此时我们可以看到 this−>connID−>query(sql)),其实this->connID已经是PHP的Mysqli原生类了,这里我们需要跟进prepQuery方法,看他到底做了一些什么操作。 这里$this->deleteHa...
fix: BaseConnection::getConnectDuration() number_format(): Passing null to parameter by @kenjis in #5536 Fix: Debug toolbar selectors by @iRedds in #5544 Fix: Toolbar. ciDebugBar.showTab() context. by @iRedds in #5554 Refactor Database Collector display by @paulbalandan in #5553 ...
CodeIgniter’s MySQLi driver will notice this and configure the connection properly. // MySQLi over a socket public array $default = [ // ... 'hostname' => '/cloudsql/toolbox-tests:europe-north1:toolbox-db', // ... 'DBDriver' => 'MySQLi', // ... ]; encrypt MySQLi ...
Drupal SQL auto-connection Cancel button in the color pickerDecember 2, 2009 Codelobster PHP Edition FREE Version 3.3. released! New version has the following new abilities: Joomla plug-in: Joomla Template Preview (Joomla Theme Editor) WordPress plug-in: WordPress Template Preview (WordPress Them...
// Open a connection to the APNS server $fp= stream_socket_client( 'ssl://gateway.push.apple.com:2195',$err, $errstr, 60, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT|STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT,$ctx); if(!$fp) exit("Failed to connect: $err $errstr". PHP_EOL); ...
$result = mysql_query;("select * from sites", $connection); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)) { foreach($row as $attribute) { print "{$attribute[1]}"; } } 复制代码 换句话说,你必须重复地输入host、username和password,建立一个连接,然后选择一个连接的数据库。 你必须...
There was 1 error: 1) CodeIgniter\Database\Live\UpdateTest::testUpdateBatch CodeIgniter\Database\Exceptions\DatabaseException: oci_execute(): ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("ORACLE"."db_type_test"."type_boolean") /home/runner/work/CodeIgniter4/CodeIgniter4/system/Database/BaseConnection.ph...