"Codeforces Rating Predictor" 是一个用于预测Codeforces用户比赛后的等级变化的工具。这个工具通常会根据用...
But, since I don't really care about my rating I decided to participate anyway. I have to admit: this round has nothing to do with programming for problems A-E. Maybe only problem C is at least not about math. So, as was discussed in the recent post about "the fall of Codeforces"...
比赛结束时打开排名榜,找到自己,然后看自己最后一栏的数字是什么就代表您的rating将怎样变化。由于System Test的存在,这个数字在System Test前是不准的(也不会有多大误差),在System Test结束后,这个就是准确的rating变化值了(误差不超过1)。 Q:比赛时CF-Predictor有用吗? A:有用!CF-Predictor在比赛是给出的值是...
推荐插件CF-Predictor。 安装完这个插件后,您的Codeforces的比赛排名榜页面会变成这样子的: 有没有发现,最右侧多了一栏数字,这些数字代表的是rating的变化。 Q:那这个插件有什么用呢? A:它可以告诉你rating的变化啊。 Q:它可以在比赛结束时告诉我rating将要变化多少吗? A:当然可以。比赛结束时打开排名榜,找到自己...
As prediction extensions can't provide accurate rating changes without this field, it's a very useful change → Reply WasylF 5 years ago, # ^ | +88 It should be a quite easy fix, I'm going to update CF-Predictor as soon as we got the "trueRating" field in the API response....
CF-Predictor is a Chrome extension that predicts rating changes on Codeforces, providing approximate deltas during and after contests.
It then calculates the rating changes following the algorithm published by Mike Mirzayanovhere, slightly modified so that it matches the current CF algorithm. This updated algorithm is adapted fromTLE. Is this better thanCF-Predictor? Not necessarily. The CF-Predictor extension communicates with a se...
1.TMT Document codeforces 715 div2https://codeforces.com/contest/1509/problem/B 第二题卡了特别久,完全没有想到如何匹配TMT,呜呜呜我太菜了。这个题的思路是把T分成M前和M后,输入字符串后就将T和M分别弄到两个vector中去,压入的不是字符串,压入的是每个T和M在字符串中的位置。若T和M的数量不是两...
how accurate is the carrot predictor, I read up above that it becomes more accurate after 6 contests or so you know how accurate is it → Reply CrimSonDragon19 22 months ago, # | 0 Can someone tell me how much times does educational round takes to update the rating ig there is...
Additionally, I am considering whether to abandon this script. It's not because it often doesn't work with me, but because I'm considering whether I need to cultivate my patience for waiting for rating changes and whether it can bring me greater emotional impact. ...