Traditionally, all cases of cheating are like “person A uses person B’s code and directly submit it in the contest”. But as more and more people are knowing how to useChatGPTor other AI language models, the situation is becoming more and more complex. Now after every easy enough conte...
1914B-PreparingForTheContest.cpp 1914C-Quests.cpp 1914D-ThreeActivities.cpp 1914E1-GameWithMarblesEasyVersion.cpp 1914E2-GameWithMarblesHardVersion.cpp 1915A-OddOneOut.cpp 1915B-NotQuiteLatinSquare.cpp 1915C-CanISquare.cpp 1915D-UnnaturalLanguageProcessing.cpp ...
Detailed Video Editorial | English Language B : C : → Reply Paras__ 7 months ago, # | 0 Can anyone explain me why lcs was not working in problem B I was able to solve but still confused where it could have gone ...
for(inti=head[u];i;i=nxt[i]){ intv=arrive[i]; if(!vis[v]&&!dfs(v)){ return0; } } return1; } boolcheck(intc){ for(inti=1;i<=(n<<1);i++){ vis[i]=0; } for(inti=1;i<=c;i++){ if(!dfs(i+a[s[i]-'a'+1]*n)){ return0; } } for(inti=c+1;i<=n;i+...
第ii位是C还是V 四种情况枚举一下,即可,如果前面不顶上界了后面就不可能再顶了,注意字典序从小到大,我这里实现的比较复杂。 usingnamespacestd;typedeflonglongLL; LL n,e[405][405];voidfloyd(){for(LL k =1;k <= n + n;k ++){for(LL i =1;i <= n + n;i ++){for(LL j =1;j <= ...
1915D-UnnaturalLanguageProcessing.cpp 1915E-RomanticGlasses.cpp 1915F-Greetings.cpp 1916A-2023.cpp 1916B-TwoDivisors.cpp 1916C-TrainingBeforeTheOlympiad.cpp 1917B-EraseFirstOrSecondLetter.cpp 1918A-BrickWall.cpp 1918B-MinimizeInversions.cpp 1919A-WalletExchange.cpp 1919B-PlusMinusSplit.cpp 1919C-Gro...
of languages, which he knows. This list could be empty, i. e. an employee may know no official languages. But the employees are willing to learn any number of official languages, as long as the company pays their lessons. A study course in one language for one employee costs 1 ber...
D - Unnatural Language Processing 断句,只能 辅音-元音(CV) 或者 辅音-元音-辅音(CVC)组合 不能零声母,也即V出现在音节头,也不能复辅音,即CVCC或者CCVC 优先保证CV,多出来的C再放到音节末尾 #include<bits/stdc++.h>#define yes cout<<"Yes"<<endl#define no cout<<"No"<<endl#define endl "\n"us...
For each test case, output one integer in single line — the minimum age which cannot be composed by candles from your set. Please note that the age can be quite large (it may exceed the standard 64-bit integer types in your programming language). Example input 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1...
Petya wrote a program in this language, but it turned out to be too long. Write a program in CALPAS that does the same thing as the Petya’s program, and consists of no more than 5 lines. Your program should return the same integer as Petya’s program for all arguments from 0 to ...