Contest week → Pay attention Before contest Ethflow Round 1 (Codeforces Round 1001, Div. 1 + Div. 2) 10:48:35 Register now » *has extra registration → Top contributors #UserContrib. 1cry167 2-is-this-fft-165 3Um_nik160 4atcoder_official159...
Contest format: ICPCIOI South Africa RegionArab RegionAsia Dalian RegionAsia Shanghai RegionAsia Beijing RegionAsia Phuket RegionAsia Daejeon RegionAsia Chengdu RegionAsia Fukuoka RegionAsia Kuala Lumpur RegionAsia Dhaka RegionAsia Fuzhou RegionAsia Hsinchu RegionAsia Tehran RegionAsia Manila RegionAsia Kanp...
1.0000000000 代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h>usingnamespacestd; typedeflonglongll;constintmaxn=1e4+10;constintinf=0x3f3f3f;structno { ll next; ll to; ll val; ll f; }edge[maxn],edge2[maxn];intcnt;inthead[maxn];intbelong[maxn];intdep[maxn];inta[maxn];intn,m,x,s,t;doublemi...
} }//找到一对点,minpl一行一定是蓝,maxpl一定是红。//开始判断split的位置boolcheck =0;intsplit = m-1;for(intj =1; j < m; j++) {if(mat[minpl][j] == mat[maxpl][j]) {//情况二,存在一列使得蓝色行和红色行元素相同cout <<"NO"<< endl; T--;gotohere; }elseif(mat[minpl][j...
Codeforces Contest 1213 Codeforces Contest 1213 工作之余随便找几道简单的算法题练练手,权当锻炼思维。 A - Chips Moving 题意陷阱,题目写的很长很玄乎,其实是最简单的逻辑。分奇偶,选最少的一边 #include<iostream>#include<cstdio>using namespace std;typedeflonglongll;typedefunsignedlonglongllu;#defineMAX...
比赛结束后,可以看其他人的代码和全部的样例数据。也可以在该题侧边栏中的"Contest materials",然后单击"Tutorial"或者"Editoral",找到官方题解。 3、玩法 cf的简单题通常不涉及算法 即div2前三题通常不涉及,第四题不经常做不敢说 包括但不限于枚举,模拟之类的、 ...
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; char s[105]; int main() { int T; scanf("%d", &T); while (T--) { scanf("%s", s + 1); bool f = 0; for (int i = 1; s[i]; i++) { if (s[i] == 'i' && s[i + 1] == 't') { printf("YES\n"); f = 1;...
Monocarp is practicing for a big contest. He plans to solven n problems to make sure he's prepared. Each of these problems has a difficulty level: the first problem has a difficulty level of 1,the second problem has a difficulty level of 2.and so on, until the last (n-th) problem,... 赛后发现这个偏移量真的得小心选取,因为原题目里面给的是线圈起来的框,不是正经的黑白格子,如果偏移量小于线的宽度就会造成采样错误。 F. Elementary! 标题误导性很大,我和104都被误导为解题与电视剧Elementary有关,遂去wiki搜了一下提供的8个词,发现no组...
有n只蚂蚁,每只蚂蚁从左往右有值1~n,每个蚂蚁距离1cm,所有蚂蚁在一根绳子上,位于绳子的1~n位 置,绳子长度为n+1,共有n+2个位置(举例:有3只蚂蚁,位于1,2,3,则绳子长度为4,即0-1,1-2,2- 3,3-4这四段,共五个点) 然后每个蚂蚁可以向左向右移动,撞到绳子边缘则掉头,否则不掉头走到黑。然后两只蚂...