April Fools Day Contest 2024 By AlperenT, 8 months ago, Hello, April Fools lovers Codeforces! We, AlperenT, flamestorm, ToxicPie9, and willy108, would like to invite everyone on Codeforces to April Fools Day Contest 2024! The 12th April Fools Day Contest will take place on Apr/01/20...
Tutorial of April Fools Day Contest 2024 april fools day contest +182 flamestorm 5 months ago 166 Codeforces Round 937 (Div. 4) Editorial By flamestorm, 5 months ago, We hope you enjoyed the contest! 1950A - Stair, Peak, or Neither? Idea: SlavicG Tutorial Solution 1950B -...
本文将分析 Codeforces 1145 (April Fools Day Contest 2019)。 题目分析 A 题目描述:使用“灭霸排序”算法可以得到的最长子串的长度。 解法:暴力。 B 题目描述:输入一个整数 ∈[1,99],若它的英文形式含有 knba 四个字母输出 NO 否则输出 YES。 解法:打表。 C 题目描述: 输入一个整数 a(0≤a≤15)。 输...
然后把这个丢进exp2里面进行回答: https://codeforces.com/contest/1331/submission/75143837 赛后发现这个偏移量真的得小心选取,因为原题目里面给的是线圈起来的框,不是正经的黑白格子,如果偏移量小于线的宽度就会造成采样错误。 F. Elementary! 标题误导性很大,我和104都被误导为解题与电视剧Elementary有关,遂去wik...
CodeForces April Fools Contest 2018题解 [比赛链接](http://codeforces.com/contest/952) 感觉可能比洛谷的题目正常一点 就当学英语了吧 A Quirky Quantifiers 比较正常,不是什么很坑的题目。 判断奇偶性即可 Code: 1#include<bits/stdc++.h>2usingnamespacestd;3intn;4intmain()5{6scanf("%d",&n);7...
1492 C1 - Shohag Loves XOR (Easy Version) C++17 (GCC 7-32) bitmasks brute force math number theory *1200 Nov/23/2024 21:43 1491 B - Shohag Loves Strings C++17 (GCC 7-32) constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings *1000 Nov/23/2024 20:56 1490 A - Shohag Loves Mod C++17...
Hello guys, I've made a short video editorial about the upcoming april fools day contest.
UPD:The contest has been delayed to make sure the online contest does not start earlier than the onsite one. Congratulations to the winners! Div. 1: jiangly hank55663 noimi cxm1024 Pyqe Div. 2: RGB_ICPC8 timer2024 tietieAM ylzxxx7 ...
Codeforces April Fools Contest 2017 来自FallDream的博客,未经允许,请勿转载,谢谢。 --- 听学长说了这场比赛十分有意思,所以来玩玩。 学长真的强,啥都会,全程听正解然后码代码... A.Numbers Joke 只有一个样例,输入3输出27 机智的学长瞬间就在OEIS上找到了 #include<iostream...
http://www.codeforces.com/contest/659/problem/F Description The farmer Polycarp has a warehouse with hay, which can be represented as an n × m rectangular table, where n is the number of rows, and m is the number of columns in the table. Each cell of the table contains a haysta...