//CodeCommitProfile@MyDemoRepo my-demo-repo 要克隆与配置文件中配置的存储库 AWS 区域 不同的存储库,请添加 AWS 区域 名称.例如: 步骤 3:连接到 CodeCommit 控制台并克隆存储库 API 版本 2015-04-13 21 AWS CodeCommit git clone codecommit::ap-northeast-1://MyDemoRepo my-demo-repo 用户指南 后续...
% git clone codecommit://demo-profile@MyRepositoryName Thegit-remote-codecommitpackage works on Python versions: 3.8.x 3.9.x 3.10.x 3.11.x Prerequisites Before you can usegit-remote-codecommit, you must: Complete initial configuration for AWS CodeCommit, including: ...
Set up authentication: in the AWS CodeCommit console, select the clone URL for the repository you will migrate. If you plan on importing CodeCommit repositories into GitLab, you can use the HTTPS CodeCommit URL to clone the repository via GitLab Repository Mirroring. You will need to also prov...