/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccQ1dkqh.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC 提示说需要-fPIC编译,然后在链接动态库的地方加上-fPIC的参数编译结果还是报错,需要把共享库所用到的所有静态库都采用-fPIC编译一边才可以成功的在64...
1 第一步,打开Code::Blocks,点击菜单栏Settings选项;点击第三个Compiler ;2 第二步,选择左侧Global compiler settings;Selectedcompiler选择GNU GCC Compiler(如下图)选择Toolchain executables选项;查看编译器根目录;3 第三步,找到Code::Blocks安装目录下的自带编译器目录(如下图,小北的是MinGW,如果不是自...
我的codeblocks有时会写这样的话,"wly-1020 - Debug":The compiler's setup (GNU GCC Compiler) is invalid,so Code::Blocks cannot find/run the compiler.Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?Goto "Settings->Compiler and debugger...->Global compiler settings...
Code:Blocks编写后出现如下错误 "Demo1 - Debug": The compiler's setup (LLVM D Compiler) is invalid, so Code::Blocks cannot find/run the compiler. Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?! (Do you have a compiler installed?) Goto "Settings->Compiler.....
codeblocks-13.12mingw-setup-TDM-GCC-481 一、下载软件 1 建议从官网上下载包含有编译器版本的CodeBlocks如下图这个文件即可 2 若不使用附带编译器的版本进行安装,后面会有很多地方需要手动配置,操作较为麻烦。二、安装软件 1 下载后双击进行安装,下图选项全部勾选 2 系统自动选择第一个编译器作为默认的编译器...
在更改了编译器设置后,确保保存并关闭Code::Blocks的设置窗口。 重新启动Code::Blocks以使更改生效。测试一个简单的程序以验证编译器是否能够正常工作: 创建一个新的控制台应用程序项目。 编写一个简单的“Hello, World!”程序。 尝试编译并运行该程序。如果编译器能够正常工作,你应该能够在控制台中看到输出。如果...
我的codeblocks有时会写这样的话,"wly-1020 - Debug":The compiler's setup (GNU GCC Compiler) is invalid,so Code::Blocks cannot find/run the compiler.Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?Goto "Settings-
我的codeblocks有时会写这样的话,"wly-1020 - Debug":The compiler's setup (GNU GCC Compiler) is invalid,so Code::Blocks cannot find/run the compiler.Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?Goto "Settings-
Project/Target: "SoloLearn - Debug": The compiler's setup (GNU GCC Compiler) is invalid, so Code::Blocks cannot find/run the compiler. Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?! Do you have a compiler installed? Goto "Settings->Compiler...->Global com...
新手求助!codeb..当我把光标移到一段代码前时,点击run to cursor进行调试,再点击next line时下面边框显示“Cannot find bounds of current function”,同时watc