工作中,特别是所做项目进入测试阶段,肯定会经常打 Ad-hoc 包给测试人员进行测试,但是我们肯定不想...
因为网上教程多是依靠Github,而且很多是在Jenkins中配置Xcode参数,相当的麻烦,我们是用Shell 脚本,非常...
Code Sign error: No codesigning identities found: No codesigning identities (i.e. certificate and private key pairs) that match the provisioning profile specified in your build settings (“qingyunDeveloper”) were found. 如果遇到类似的错误 解决办法: 首先打开keychain keys 找到apple 的开发者证书。...
Code Sign error: Certificate identity 'iPhone Distribution: ...' appears more than once in the keychain. The codesign tool requires there only be one. 出现此错误主要是因为存在多个证书的问题,但上“Keychain”上找的时候竟然还是一个。其实是因为过期的被自动隐藏了。 进行如下操作: 1. 打开 “Keych...
1.直接Build and run,找不到SDK 2.0 打开工程, 在菜单中选择Projects, General标签中的最下面有一个 Base SDK for All Configurations (默认的是 iPhone Device 2.0),改成IOS2.0 2.再次build,出現Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in ...
关于Code Sign error:The identity 'iPhone distribution' doesn't match any valid certificate private .. 今天在网上下载了一个示例代码,Debug的时候出现了如标题所示的错误,从错误来看是因为该项目代码已经被签名过了。网上没有找到有效的解决办法,自己瞎倒腾之后,居然Debug成功了,特别记录一下,如果你也遇到此问题...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.dll 包: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref v9.0.0 使用双因素恢复代码在没有双因素身份验证的情况下登录用户。 C# publicvirtualSystem.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.SignInResult> TwoFactorRecoveryCodeSignInAsync (stringrecoveryCode); ...
This code gets the todo list items associated with their owner, which is the identity of the user using the Web API. It also adds todo list items associated with the same user. There is no persistence as implementing token persistence and todo item persistence on the...
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/ms-identity-msal-java-samples.git cd 3-java-servlet-web-app/1-Authentication/sign-in-auth-context or download and extract the repository .zip file. ⚠️ To avoid file path length limitations on Windows, clone the repository into a...
In this quickstart, learn how a JavaScript Angular single-page application (SPA) can sign in users of personal accounts, work accounts, and school accounts by using the authorization code flow and call Microsoft Graph.