首先,确保已经安装了WSL2并且已经安装了Linux发行版,例如Ubuntu。 打开命令行终端,通过运行以下命令启动VSCode: 打开命令行终端,通过运行以下命令启动VSCode: 在VSCode中,点击左侧的扩展图标,搜索并安装"Remote - WSL"扩展。 安装完成后,点击左下角的"">"图标,选择"Remote-WSL: New Window"。 在新窗口中...
在VS Code的“文件”菜单中,“打开文件夹(Open Folder)”是指开打项目文件夹的根目录。一个项目文件夹(Project Folder)包含一个或多个文件夹与项目相关的文件夹,以及与该项目相关的VS Code配置(放在.vscode文件夹中)。 在“文件”菜单中,还有一个选项:“打开工作空间(Open Workspace)”,这个选项和“打开文件夹...
crow 是一款轻量级 c++ web 框架。它的设计理念类似 python 的 Flask 框架,轻量级,易于使用,快速。
The workspace settings file is located under the .vscode folder in your root folder.Note: For a Multi-root Workspace, workspace settings are located inside the workspace configuration file.When you add a Workspace Settings settings.json file to your project or source control, the settings for ...
在开启了GO111MODULE的情况下,不要使用vscode打开项目之外的目录,因为在这些目录下检测不到go.mod就会一直报错。 所以正确的使用方式是: 如果项目已使用了mod或打算使用mod,设置GO111MODULE=on,使用vscode打开一个独立且完整的项目,并确保最外层目录下创建了go.mod文件。
.vscode settings.json DualSubs.code-workspace 3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions 3 .vscode/settings.json Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ { "prettier.useTabs": true } 14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions 14 DualSubs.code-workspace Ori...
Then when I try to run a build task (Ctrl-Shift-B), usually (but not always) only the extension-defined build tasks ("build active file") are shown. This also usually only happens after the first start of vscode after a fresh boot and when it happens the "Warning: process tasks are...
Depending on whether you have a folder opened as workspace or a.code-workspacefile, the location of workspace task and launch configurations is either inside the.vscodefolder, or inside the.code-workspacefile. In addition, task and launch configurations can always be defined at the level of a ...
在该配置文件的最后一行加上下述语句: fs.inotify.max_user_watches=81920 让配置文件中的新文件监控数目生效 sudosysctl-p 输出结果为: fs.inotify.max_user_watches=81920 重新打开VSCode,只要当前文件夹内文件数目不超过81920个,就不会再出现警告信息了。
https://bbs.aw-ol.com/topic/5968/请问docker-pull-registry-cn-hangzhou-aliyuncs-com-cld1994-tina-sdk-5-0-nori拉取docker镜像没有问题-配置后-运行code-workspace-nori进入vscode-reopen-in-container却报错是为什么呢RSS for NodeSat, 11 Jan 2025 21:48:24 GMT...