In the end-to-end code-switching TTS, there exists problem of prosody instability when synthesizing paragraph text. The text enhancement method we proposed makes the input contain prosodic information and sentence- level context information, thus improving the prosody stability of paragraph text. ...
Here are 37 public repositories matching this topic... Language:All Sort:Most stars An implementation of Tacotron 2 that supports multilingual experiments with parameter-sharing, code-switching, and voice cloning. multilingualtext-to-speechttsspeech-synthesiscode-switchingvoice-cloning ...
Multi-Encoder-Decoder Transformer for Code-Switching Speech Recognition 主要从code switch的角度看待这篇文章,对TTS有所启发。 1 背景 在许多国家中,多语言是混合使用的。但是绝大多数的ASR模型,被设计为单语种服务,涉及到多语言的情况,效果不佳。 2详细设计 模型为Transformer -based model,最主要的设计为multi-...
sharing. It also presents a model combining ideas fromLearning to speak fluently in a foreign language: Multilingual speech synthesis and cross-language voice cloning,End-to-End Code-Switched TTS with Mix of Monolingual Recordings, andContextual Parameter Generation for Universal Neural Machine ...
语音合成领域论文列表请访问,语音识别领域论文统计请访问。如何查找语音资料请参考文章。如有转载,请注明出处。欢迎关注微信公众号:低调奋进。 TALCS: An Open-Source Mandarin-English Code-Switching Corpus and a Speech Recognition ...
In this paper, we explore the efficacy of three approaches, which are based on the Tacotron-2 end-to-end framework, to build such a Vietnamese TTS system under a limited code-switched data scenario: (1) CS synthesis based on grapheme-to-syllable (G2S), (2) CS synthesis based on ...
languages Article Mixed Verbs in Code-Switching: The Syntax of Light Verbs Ji Young Shim Department of Linguistics, University of Geneva, Geneva 1211, Switzerland;; Tel.: +41-22-379-7236 Academic Editors: Usha Lakshmanan, Osmer Balam and Tej K. Bhatia Received: 5 ...
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