当您遇到“could not get received status code 401 from server: unauthorized”这样的错误时,这通常意味着您的HTTP请求没有通过服务器的认证机制。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,我会按照您提供的提示进行详细说明,并在必要时提供代码片段作为示例(尽管在某些情况下,具体的代码实现会依赖于您使用的编程语言和库)。 1....
(""), fragment: None }, status_code: 403, data: Some("{\"title\":\"Request not permitted.\",\"status\":403,\"detail\":\"Unauthorized tunnel creation access: Authenticated user does not have 'create' access scope for the default tunnel domain.\"}"), request_id: Some("***") }...
Could not GET 'https://repo.spring.io/libs-release/xxxxx'. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized Disable Gradle 'offline mode' and sync project 这个原因是spring从2021.2.21日开始不再支持匿名用户访问/libs-release的目录了。 We will no longer support anonymous download of 3rd-party Ma...
gradle下载依赖时报一堆的Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized问题,具体异常如下所示。 <ij_msg_gr>Project resolve errors<ij_msg_gr><ij_nav>D:\work\self\spring-framework-5.0.8.RELEASE\build.gradle<ij_nav><i><b>root project'spring': Unable to resolve additional project configuration...
I expect no error :-) Instead I getReceived status code 401 from server: Unauthorized Please, advise me on what to do. Many thanks ! darkoniaddedstatus: waiting-for-triageAn issue we've not yet triagedtype: bugA general buglabelsApr 9, 2021 ...
Error: The server sent HTTP status code 401: Unauthorized ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerStorageException: , An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database....
在HomeController/Index方法中,增加判断条件,调用API资源不成功时,判断如果响应的结果状态码是401 Unauthorized未授权,则重新刷新令牌并重定向到当前Action,即Home/Index 重新运行MVC客户端,即可查验效果 当token过期,会重新获取access_token并更新存储的tokens,重定向到当前Action,即刷新,刷新时就重新调用了API资源,此时to...
Connection Closed: 1008 error: cmd=internal kind=unauthorized Any ideas? Hello, I just deployed the Collabora CODE 22.05 on our demo site (9.0.4 pro):https://demo.seafile.top/demo It works fine. The command I used to start a Collabora CODE docker container is: ...
Oracle Agile PLM Framework - Version and later: Agile PLM 9.3.4 File Server Not Starting> Reason :Uncaught exception thrown.The server sent HTTP status code
Could not GET 'https://jitpack.io/com/github/smarteist/autoimageslider/1.4.0/autoimageslider-1.4.0.pom'. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized While building the project.