指的是将某个状态是否发生,映射到一个树的bit位上。 bitmap算法 对连续数字以32为桶容量进行分组,在每一个组中有一个32位的数字,第 i 位表示的是 第 k 组中的第 i 个元素。举个例子比如整数num其应该落在:$num // 32$ 的桶中,是第 $num % 32$ 个元素。 705. 设计哈希集合 - 力扣(LeetCode) ...
harry0703 / MoneyPrinterTurbo 利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM. Python 18,357 2,826 Updated Nov 20, 2024 leereilly / games 🎮 A list of popular/awesome video games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform....
2024-09-18 09:09:14 +0200 Include TicketTimeUnitsMandatoryOnlyWithArticle into integrated packages list (RotherOSS#3787) 2024-09-17 07:55:30 +0200 [Bugfix] Quick Date Buttons (+1 day, +1 week) are not translated (RotherOSS#3783) 2024-08-15 09:04:04 +0200 Issue #3711: Make js ta...
Roger Ebert passed away on April 4, 2013. It was a very sad day for me not only because I so enjoyed his movie reviews, but also because it was his writing thatinspired me to write about music on this website. I’ve been trying to come up with some sort of fitting tribute for th...
A quick view into Ajax Toolkit controls grouped by functionality AJAX UpdatePanel With Inline Client Scripts Parser by Baxterboom AJAX UpdatePanel with inline client scripts parser. AJAX Was Here - Part 1: Client Side Framework by Bill Pierce Asynchronous JavaScript and XML with ASP.NET integration...
But if you've ever stared at the (sort of?) smiling lady's face and wondered why in the world she's considered such a masterpiece, you're not alone. Art is after all, a subjective experience, yet the world is seemingly unanimously obsessed with Mona Lisa. So why is she such a ...
pajek_id stata_id 1 Tom 2 Dick 3 Harry The thing that makes this a pain is that “.net” files are usually really big so if you try to just select the “vertices” part of the file you may be holding down the mouse button for a really long time. My solution is to open the fi...
These incidents I have outlined have exposed some of the more serious divisions within our fannish community. My feeling is that fandom, in my estimation, is rapidly approaching a societal impasse; it seems it cannot go towards any sort of future without reconciling with its present set of circ...
top Sort by Score CSS (Re) Introducing AJAX for ASP.NET with Prototype by thund3rstruck Writing and using cross platform AJAX in ASP.NET applications.[TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application] Handle Error/ Validation by tranthanhtu.vn [TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application] Handle Error/ ...
Fast Internet connection always distracted me to streaming youtube about technology or tutorial, but normally end up with 100% unrelated videos like how to sharp your knife using mug or watching top 10 mistakes in Harry Potter 😖😖😖 undefined wk51 3 14 grosten 1420 7y My classmate...