按照不同类别进行分类,参考自 CyC2018/CS-Notes、LeetCode 分类顺序表。 算法思想相关 01.双指针 #English TitleChinese TitleSolutionDifficulty 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 无重复字符的最长子串 Java Medium 11 Container With Most Water 盛最多水的容器 Java Medium 15 3Sum 三数之和 Java...
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(1)先将指针head移动到开始逆置的节点modify_list_tail(2) 按照之前#206 Reverse Linked List的做法,将[m,n]这一段逆置(3)将被逆置的一段和逆置段前驱,逆置段后继连接起来(4)考虑特殊情况:m=1? 如果是从第一个节点开始逆置,那么最后就不需要连接pre_head了(...
回溯的过程只处理一个指针,把head和head.next之间的指针反转。class Solution { public ListNode reverseList(ListNode head) { //输入head为null if(head == null) return null; //递归 if(head.next == null) return head; ListNode cur = reverseList(head.next); head.next.next = head; head.next =...
LeetCode problem solving notes. Determine whether a linked list is a palindrome linked list. First convert the linked list into an array, and then judge whether the array is a palindrome array.
Examples of unstructured data would be Word documents, emails, presentations, and notes. ▪ Applications development will change due to the use of portal technologies and the benefits they provide. ▪ Data will likely be prepared with e-business in mind from the start, rather than preparing ...
So let's start with a simple example, imagine we have five different companies. We have data on millions � of sales and the % change from last year. We could show the data as a table: Or graphically as a chart: This allows us to see easily that Company B (the largest sales) ha...
1441-build-an-array-with-stack-operations Attach NOTES - LeetHub Nov 4, 2023 1443-minimum-time-to-collect-all-apples-in-a-tree Time: 234 ms (65.10%), Space: 65 MB (41.28%) - LeetHub Jan 12, 2023 1444-number-of-ways-of-cutting-a-pizza Attach NOTES - LeetHub Apr 1, 2023 ...
Fast Internet connection always distracted me to streaming youtube about technology or tutorial, but normally end up with 100% unrelated videos like how to sharp your knife using mug or watching top 10 mistakes in Harry Potter 😖😖😖 undefined wk51 3 14 grosten 1420 7y My classmate...
McLellan (2009b) also notes that switches of Malay verbs in English utterances are less common than switches of English verbs in Malay. An example is given in (31). Importantly, McLellan points out that there are no cases of Malay verbs with English bound morphemes. (31) Then at the ...