In this Java tutorial, we are going to discuss the circular queue and its array implementation in java. What is Circular Queue? Circular Queue is a linear data structure in which operations are performed on FIFO ( First In First Out ) basis . Element at last position is connected to front...
1441-build-an-array-with-stack-operations Attach NOTES - LeetHub Nov 4, 2023 1443-minimum-time-to-collect-all-apples-in-a-tree Time: 234 ms (65.10%), Space: 65 MB (41.28%) - LeetHub Jan 12, 2023 1444-number-of-ways-of-cutting-a-pizza Attach NOTES - LeetHub Apr 1, 2023 ...
1013 Partition Array Into Three Parts With Equal Sum 51.8% Easy 1014 Best Sightseeing Pair 52.5% Medium 1015 Smallest Integer Divisible by K 32.1% Medium 1016 Binary String With Substrings Representing 1 To N 58.9% Medium 1017 Convert to Base -2 Go 59.0% Medium 1018 Binary Prefix Div...
## LeetCode 622M Design Circular QueueclassMyCircularQueue:def__init__(self,k:int)[0]*k## 初始化 - 全部元素为0self.size=kself.headIndex=0self.count=0## 初始化队列为空defenQueue(self,value:int)->bool:## 考虑如果队列已满ifself.isFull():returnFalse## 入队元素的位置:targ...
circularQueue.Rear(); // return 4 Note: All values will be in the range of [0, 1000]. The number of operations will be in the range of [1, 1000]. Please do not use the built-in Queue library. 题解: Use an array to mimic queue. ...
MyCircularQueue(k): 构造器,设置队列长度为 k 。 Front: 从队首获取元素。如果队列为空,返回 -1 。 Rear: 获取队尾元素。如果队列为空,返回 -1 。 enQueue(value): 向循环队列插入一个元素。如果成功插入则返回真。 deQueue(): 从循环队列中删除一个元素。如果成功删除则返回真。
One of the Benefits of the circular queue is that we can make use of the spaces in front of the queue. In a normal queue, once the queue becomes full, we can not insert the next element even if there is a space in front of the queue. But using the circular queue, we can use ...
public MyCircularQueue(int k) { data = new int[k]; head = -1; tail = -1; size = k; } /** 在队列插入一项,并返回插入是否成功 */ public boolean enQueue(int value) { if (isFull() == true) { return false; } if (isEmpty() == true) { ...
A low complexity, symmetric cryptographic algorithm with circular queue and gray code is developed here. The security algorithms, which are using circular queue, can make decryption of ciphered message more difficult. Gray code is an ordering of numeral binary system such that two successive differ...