Also, .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") analyzers don't respect the MessageId property.To suppress a particular symbol violation of a rule, specify the symbol name for the MessageId property of the SuppressMessageAttribute attribute. The following example shows code with two violations of CA1500:...
13 Data Warehouse Service Error Code Reference 2 Data Warehouse Service Error Codes SQLSTATE Error Code Value 25P01 NO_ACTIVE_SQL_TRANSACTION 25P02 IN_FAILED_SQL_TRANSACTION Class 26 - Invalid SQL statement name 26000 INVALID_SQL_STATEMENT_NAME Class 27 - Triggered data change violation 27000 ...
A code fix is available for this rule in Visual Studio. To use it, position the cursor on the violation and pressCtrl+.(period). ChooseConsider using 'string.Contains' instead of 'string.IndexOf'from the list of options that's presented. ...
EditorConfig property Default severity Delegate constructors with a member pointer parameter are unsupported by .NET Core CppThisArgMemberFuncDelegateCtorIsUnsuportedByDotNetCore resharper_cpp_this_arg_member_func_delegate_ctor_is_unsuported_by_dot_net_core_highlighting Disabled ...
For Win32 exceptions, this is the code passed to RaiseException (ex:EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION). This value is zero for exception categories that identify exceptions by string (ex: CLR). C++/CX 复制 public: property unsigned int Code { unsigned int get(); }; Property Value UInt3...
Inspection settings in.editorconfigfiles are configured similarly to other properties — by adding the corresponding lines: [inspection_property]=[error | warning | suggestion | hint | none] severity level =error Warning
Code Repository files navigation License FreeFileSync: Terms of use The FreeFileSync standard and Donation Edition are for **private use** only:**Commercial use** requires buying the FreeFileSync Business Edition:
If you access an API that's supported only on a specified platform ([SupportedOSPlatform("platformName")]) from code reachable on other platforms, you'll see the following violation:'API' is supported on 'platformName'. C# // An API supported only on Linux.[SupportedOSPlatform("linux")]pu...
See the Message class's SenderId property for more information about sender identifiers. ServiceNotAvailable -1072824309 Message text: The Message Queues service is not available. Message Queuing returns this error if the application is unable to connect to the Queue Manager. SharingViolation -...
Fix for a crash (i.e. System.AccessViolationException) upon refresh for certain component types. Items in "Global History Shortcuts" did not follow an eventual icon theme change. After changing an option in "VS10x Code Map - Customize", items in "Global History Shortcuts" were continuously...