"CODE V is essential for our lens design work at Nikon Research Corporation of America. We often require extraordinary correction with many surfaces, and several very high-order aspheres, resulting in too many variables for typical lens design optimization. CODE V’s optimization tools, such as ...
To step up your aspheric lens designs and work more efficiently, try these CODE V design and analysis tips. Read blog entry Blog An Insider View on Designing the Mastcam-Z Camera for the Mars Rover Perseverance Read blog entry Blog CODE V Global Synthesis Learn how an optical eng...
运行CODE V并使用新镜头向导:选择File-New菜单点击欢迎屏幕中的Next按钮选择Patent Lens 并按Next按钮专利数据库在用于演示 30个例子镜头外,CODE V 还包含一个拥有2400个过期专利的镜头数据库(主要是用于各种不同系统的轴对称的光学系统)。您可以用新镜头向导或是专利搜索功能来访问和搜索这个数据库,并可以使用过滤...
CODE V has a vast array of technical, graphical, and ease-of-use features that makes it the lens design software of choice for developing superior imaging optics. The following list of key features is just a small subset of what is available. Design optimization (including Global Synthesis) t...
光学设计软件:Code V二次开发_(3).CodeV脚本语言基础.docx,PAGE 1 PAGE 1 CodeV脚本语言基础 1. CodeV脚本语言概述 CodeV 脚本语言是一种专为光学设计软件 CodeV 开发的脚本语言,用于自动化光学设计流程、执行复杂的计算任务以及生成和处理数据。CodeV 脚本语言基于文本
Introduction to CODE V Training, Fall 2003, Slide 1-‹#› References for Optics Library • Classics –W. Smith Modern Optical Engineering –W. Smith Modern Lens Design –D. Malacara Optical Shop Testing • Important components –Rudolf Kingslake Vol. 1-5 Applied Optics and Optical...
1〉将原始数据输入到CODE V追迹 使用New Lens Wizard新建镜头向导。 使用空白镜头 输入入瞳直径16mm 输入工作波长10.6µm 输入视场全视场20º,0.7视场14 º,0视场0 º。 输入结构参数 由于CODE V中没有GAAS这种玻璃所以在这里使用折射率与阿贝数来代替实际玻璃,由ZEMAX的Dispersion Diagram查得GAAS在10.6...
14、.5.5Optical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsSelectinga Suitable Starting PointChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsSelecting a suitable starting point The Code V New Lens Wizard1. Searching existing de ...
Non-spherical surfacesAfocal systemsMacros and command modeTolerancing an optical systemZoom and multi-configuration systemsOptimization of lens performanceReflective optical systemsPerformance evaluationGetting started: A design study 第二阶段 Advanced Topics in CODE V?OverviewThis course will give current ...
Giving CODE V users the power tools they deserve. Lens Design Solutions Modeling Analysis Tolerancing Optimization CODE V Tools CODE V Multi-Core Tolerancing CODE V Athermalization CODE V Instant Reports CODE V Custom Script Editing ...