复制 version:0.2phases:install:runtime-versions:python:3.7commands:-pip install--upgrade pip-pip install--upgrade awsclipre_build:commands:build:commands:-pip install-r requirements.txt-t./python-zip layer_apollo.zip-r python/-aws s3 cp layer_apollo.zip--region $REGIONs3://$REGION-layers-of...
Visual Studio then uses its bundled version. (You can also uninstall from PowerShell by using the pip uninstall ptvsd command.) Alternatively, you can update the ptvsd package to its newest version by following the instructions in the Troubleshoot debug scenarios section....
git clone https://github.com/commaai/panda.gitcdpanda#install dependenciespip install -e .[dev]#install pandapython setup.py install Seethe Panda classfor how to interact with the panda. For example, to receive CAN messages: >>>frompandaimportPanda>>>panda=Panda()>>>panda.can_recv() ...
"settings":{"terminal.integrated.shell.linux":"/bin/bash"},"postCreateCommand":"yarn install",// Comment out the next line to run as root instead. Linux users, update// Dockerfile with your user's UID/GID if not 1000."runArgs":["-u","node"]}...
#1. Install MinkEngine v0.5.4, follow readme in https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine;#2. Install Swin3D, mainly for cuda operation:cdlibs git clone https://github.com/microsoft/Swin3D.gitcdSwin3D pip install ./ Uncomment# from .swin3d import *inpointcept/models/__init__.py. ...
Confirm the debugpy version installed on the remote computer (as returned by the pip3 list command) matches the Visual Studio Python Tools (PTVS) version. The following table lists the valid version pairs. As necessary, update the version of debugpy on the remote computer. Expand table Visu...
pip install codefuse-muagent 使用ChatBot 请自行安装 nvidia 驱动程序,本项目已在 Python 3.9.18,CUDA 11.7 环境下,Windows、X86 架构的 macOS 系统中完成测试。 Docker安装、私有化LLM接入及相关启动问题见:快速使用明细 1、python 环境准备 推荐采用 conda 对 python 环境进行管理(可选) # 准备 conda 环境...
frompipandvenv, which are included in a standard Python install. Part of this exercise included researching common CLI commands offered by popular package management tools to discover the intersection of functionality and identify wherepipandvenvdon’t offer direct support. Our hope is to provide an...
Baptiste Darthenay: Better filename patterns for pip-requirements. (#18498) Nicola Marella: Fixes for Pylama output parsing issues. (#15609) Matt Bogosian: Explicitly add “justMyCode”: “true” to all launch.json configurations. (#18471) ...
zh-cn/application-dev/reference/apis-arkui/js-apis-pipWindow.md @zhangqiang183 @ge-yafang @zhouyaoying @zxg-gitee @nobuggers zh-cn/application-dev/reference/apis-arkui/js-apis-screen-sys.md @hjoksky @achao @zhangqiang183 @ge-yafang @zhouyaoying @zxg-gitee @nobuggers zh-cn/appl...