It is against the law to publish the decompiled source code, but anyone with a competent computer can decompile their personal copy of Terraria.exe no problem. Note that you may wish to end up with a decompiled tModLoader rather than a decompiled vanilla Terraria so that you know where tMod...
Do you know anything about that perchance? (zenity:16481): Gtk-WARNING **: 16:27:04.542: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita", This option is not available. Please see --help for all possible usages.~~ Never mind, the issue posted just moved to terraria steam thing...
Earlier today, Bethesda announced via their blog that a Skyrim mash-up pack is coming to […] AndroidiOSMinecraftNewsPCSandboxSurvivalThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Minecraft Favorites Edition Includes the Best DLC Published:May 5, 2016byCheat Code Central Staff ...