David.NguyenLuminary posted in Code Exchange User-defined Operand: Modulo operator Hi all, I’m not going to create a repository for this, but if you quickly need a modulo operator in your Merit Function, there you have it. Hx and Hy are the operand numbers (integer) that will be used...
by Ly Nguyen ADO Data Bound Class Wizard ADO MFC Wrapper classes by Tim Kohler ADO classes that closely resemble CDatabase and CRecordset. Adobe ActiveX Control with MFC by rocky_pulley How to use the Adobe Acrobat 7 Reader ActiveX control inside a C++ application. Adobe Photoshop file loader...
Baškarada S, Nguyen V, Koronios A (2020) Architecting microservices: Practical opportunities and challenges. J Comput Inf Syst 60(5):428–436. https://doi.org/10.1080/08874417.2018.1520056 Article Google Scholar Beck K, Andres C (2001) Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change. Addison...
Unlock HTC HD2 T8585 nguyen the Hello,Thank you very much. It worked.Regards Unlock ZTE T815 sayeem sadot Hello, Thank you for your message! It worked.Yours Unlock Samsung Galaxy S5 D D Hello,Thank you for your fast reply!After reseting the phones network settings and new start the deli...
Cédric Malard (@cmalard)— contributions Asif Kamran Malick (@akmalick)— contributions Sam Martin (@smartinio)— contributions mcy-kylin (@mcy-kylin)— contributions Mark Molinaro (@markjm)— contributions Ahmadou Waly Ndiaye (@sir-kain)— contributions Nguyen Long Nhat (@torn4dom4n)— contri...
Cédric Malard (@cmalard)— contributions Asif Kamran Malick (@akmalick)— contributions Sam Martin (@smartinio)— contributions mcy-kylin (@mcy-kylin)— contributions Mark Molinaro (@markjm)— contributions Ahmadou Waly Ndiaye (@sir-kain)— contributions Nguyen Long Nhat (@torn4dom4n)— contri...
by Toan Manh Nguyen In this article you will learn about ASP.NET Core RC2 using WEB API and AngularJS. ASP.NET Core RC2 Using WEB API And AngularJS - Part 2 by Toan Manh Nguyen In this article, you will learn about ASP.NET Core RC2 using WEB API and AngularJS. Asp.Net Core RC2...
Nguyen, T. A. & Csallner, C. Reverse engineering mobile application user interfaces with REMAUI (T). In30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2015(eds Cohen, M. B.et al.) 248–259 (IEEE Computer Society, 2015).https://doi.org/10.1109/ASE.2015.32....
Cédric Malard (@cmalard)— contributions Asif Kamran Malick (@akmalick)— contributions Sam Martin (@smartinio)— contributions mcy-kylin (@mcy-kylin)— contributions Mark Molinaro (@markjm)— contributions Ahmadou Waly Ndiaye (@sir-kain)— contributions Nguyen Long Nhat (@torn4dom4n)— contri...
Primary Examiner: NGUYEN, MONGBAO Attorney, Agent or Firm: Olympic Patent Works PLLC (Gig Harbor, WASHINGTON, US) Claims: What is claimed is: 1. An automated-application-release-management subsystem within a cloud-computing facility having multiple servers, data-storage devices, and one or more...