lightness: -9.617, jaune: 7.869, green: 6.405 LMS L: 26.882, M: 40.036, S: 7.464 YCbCr Y: 130.519, Cb: 81.739, Cr: 103.937 YCoCg Y: 119.25, Cg: 51.75, Co: 37.5 YDbDr Y: 133.342, Db: -140.423, Dr: 72.881 YPbPr Y: 145.38, Pb: -56.76, Pr: -31.974 xvYCC Y: 140.856, Cb: 78...
The hexadecimal color code #df0054 is a shade of pink. In the RGB color model #df0054 is comprised of 87.45% red, 0% green and 32.94% blue. In the HSL color space #df0054 has a hue of 337° (degrees), 100% saturation and 44% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength o...
lightness: -9.555, jaune: 8.686, green: 6.862 LMS L: 27.551, M: 41.542, S: 5.842 YCbCr Y: 128.185, Cb: 66.236, Cr: 104.369 YCoCg Y: 111.75, Cg: 62.25, Co: 45.0 YDbDr Y: 130.629, Db: -187.494, Dr: 71.517 YPbPr Y: 144.651, Pb: -74.685, Pr: -32.772 xvYCC Y: 140.23, Cb: ...
lightness: -9.636, jaune: 7.808, green: 6.259 LMS L: 27.979, M: 41.154, S: 8.101 YCbCr Y: 133.302, Cb: 82.612, Cr: 105.041 YCoCg Y: 122.75, Cg: 50.25, Co: 38.75 YDbDr Y: 136.581, Db: -137.774, Dr: 69.533 YPbPr Y: 148.235, Pb: -55.605, Pr: -30.612 xvYCC Y: 143.308, Cb:...
Hex RGB HSL #4ead37 foreground A Good artist has less time than ideas.Martin Kippenberger <p style="color: #4ead37">…</p> #4ead37 background Don't be an art critic, but paint, there lies salvation.Paul Cezanne <p style="background-color: #4ead37">…</p> #4ead37 shadow The...
lightness: -9.553, jaune: 8.138, green: 7.031 LMS L: 25.246, M: 39.285, S: 6.298 YCbCr Y: 124.788, Cb: 78.104, Cr: 98.714 YCoCg Y: 111.5, Cg: 58.5, Co: 33.5 YDbDr Y: 126.674, Db: -151.452, Dr: 88.722 YPbPr Y: 140.462, Pb: -61.65, Pr: -38.376 xvYCC Y: 136.632, Cb: 73.8...
★ Jaune Sandha / 200079#fce903 ΔE = 0.697 / LRV ≈ 79.0% Aston Martin ★ Ferrari Yellow / R2839#fce903 ΔE = 0.697 / LRV ≈ 79.0% Man ★ Heliosgelb / 1905#fce903 ΔE = 0.697 / LRV ≈ 79.0% Vauxhall ★ Brilliant Yellow / 54L#fce903 ΔE = 0.697 / LRV ≈ 79.0% Geely ★...
lightness: -9.655, jaune: 7.037, green: 6.399 LMS L: 25.953, M: 39.413, S: 9.332 YCbCr Y: 129.98, Cb: 90.968, Cr: 99.954 YCoCg Y: 121.5, Cg: 48.5, Co: 29.5 YDbDr Y: 132.714, Db: -112.396, Dr: 85.002 YPbPr Y: 144.47, Pb: -46.57, Pr: -35.848 xvYCC Y: 140.074, Cb: 87.091...
Fluo Green / LP-414#57ab27 ΔE = 2.458 / LRV ≈ 31.3% Scib Paints Lots of Lime / AC159#63b125 ΔE = 2.486 / LRV ≈ 34.2% Vista Paint Lots of Lime#63b125 ΔE = 2.486 / LRV ≈ 34.2% Berger Lots of Lime / AC159#63b125 ΔE = 2.486 / LRV ≈ 34.2% Kelly-Moore Wilderness...