Code reviews at Google play an important role as an engineering practice and have been adopted already in the early days of Google. Still today, they are used to keep the code base clean, coherent and to ensure no arbitrary code is committed. Even though the code review process looks simila...
Code reviews at Google play an important role as an engineering practice and have been adopted already in the early days of Google. Still today, they are used to keep the code base clean, coherent and to ensure no arbitrary code is committed. Even though the code review process looks simila...
在Google 进行代码审查研究的另一个有趣发现是,进行代码审查的动机和期望取决于关系人的角色和职责。例如,经理对在代码库中创建一致的编码样式所带来的好处更感兴趣。另一方面,开发人员更关心发现缺陷或错误。 对于代码审查的原由,Google 员工和 Microsoft 工程师的理由是一致的,除了 Microsoft 员工不会将代码审查描述...
本文翻译自 Dr. Michaela Greiler 的 Code Reviews at Google are lightweight and fast,作者所在的团队调研了 Google 是如何做代码审查的,并做了相关的总结。原文附有大量链接资源,在此没有整理出来,相关链接可以查看原文获取。 Google 的代码审查在工程实践中起着重要作用,并且 Google 早期就已经开始采用。直到今...
原文: 代码审查法的落地 可见,想要更好的落地代码审查,需要先要确立法则,你可以根据实际情况对上述法则进行借鉴、删减或补充; 第二,作为技术领导应当积极布道,让开发者了解统一的代码审查法则; ...
Google (2023a) Google engineering practices documentation. Google (2023b) Speed of code reviews. Greiler M (2020) Code reviews—from bottleneck to superpower with Michaela Greiler. https:/...
Lessons From Google: How Code Reviews Build Company Culture 阿里巴巴Java编码规约: 五种Code Review反模式: Capers Jones对软件质量的研究分享:
ReviewsUse Google Cloud Code right from your IDE to build applications and integrate with GCP services faster and easier. Cloud Code helps you increase agility and speed to develop scalable cloud-based applications. Cloud Code automates tasks such as setting up local/remote dev environments, buildin...
Google Code Searcht800t8 Get Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), MPS Overview Versions ReviewsRatings & Reviews JetBrains doesn't verify reviews. Learn more Write Review Anonymous20.04.2007 How to use it ? 0Feedback Report Content Terms of Use Legal, Privacy and Security ...
Google Reviews by Certified Code 總覽 Rich Review Showcase: Elevate your business credibility by effortlessly showcasing Google reviews and ratings directly on your website. With options ranging from Starter to Pro, display up to 1000 reviews to help potential customers trust your services Real-time...