comparative-review c++17 Toby Speight 83.5k modifiedyesterday 6votes 1answer 165views Histogram of Image using std::map in C++ c++ performance reinventing-the-wheel image c++23 Cris Luengo 6,547 answeredyesterday 4votes 5answers 178views
1)有人认为 Code Review 流程太长,太浪费时间,特别是业务逼,工期紧的时候,今天改的代码,明天就要上,如果等同事 Review,同事还有可能没时间。 目前阶段不应该认为,因为工期紧导致没有时间 Code Review 的。而且 Code Review 熟练之后,并不需要花费太长的时间。尽管开始做 Code Review 的时候,你可能因为不熟练,需...
但实际上,只有很少的人能高效率地做这些事情,因为这需要同时同步三个分支(译者注:master、review 中的分支、新分支)的变动。 当你立即开始 code review,你就创造了一个良性循环。你一轮 review 所需要花的时间,和变更列表的大小及复杂度成正相关。这就鼓励了代码的作者提交小范围的变更列表,这也让你的 review ...
Zibin Zheng: Investigation, Validation, Writing – review & editing. Declaration of competing interest (1) This paper aims to comprehensively analyze the code reuse between Stack Overflow (SO, the world’s largest programmer Q&A site) and GitHub (the most popular open-source project site). (2)...
Review thedocumentationand make pull requests for anything from typos to additional and new content If you are interested in fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base, please see the documentHow to Contribute, which covers the following: ...
First of all, don't review for code style; there are much better things on which to spend your time, than arguing over the placement of white spaces. Looking for bugs and performance issues is the primary goal and is where the majority of your time should be spent (during both the ...
This process enables testers to review modifications before they are merged into the main branch and deployed to the staging environment. To initiate this workflow, the PR number from the App repository is required as input.testBuildHybrid
项目经理提供关于code-review的一些问题 1.deletion_blocks、emp_type都是varchar类型,代码里面需要加上单引号,确保以后出现字母不会出错。 2.SQL的拼装 如果你是调用者,怎样知道para长度的定义?需要注意parameter命名规则。至少在方法加上备注,自己以后也容易阅读。要不只有神仙才知道...
However, that code review description is not sufficient for an effective review: you need to be able to point out specifics as well: ‘But that is easy’, you counter. ‘Just put some comments in the code for anything that might be tricky or obscure’. These in-code comments ar...
In this article, we’ll share our comprehensive code review checklist for a web/SaaS project so that you understand each step of the code review process. As a software development company with 19+ years of experience, we’ve performed countless code reviews as a daily practice and as part ...