Conclusion The above checklist is vital to have a high-quality code that meets the requirements and performs at its best while being secure, scalable and swift. There will always be more points to add to this list. It is ...
checklist 可参考Code Review 速查手册 利用自动化工具进行前置检查 单元测试检查 新增单元测试检查 方法行数过多 圈复杂度过高 代码规范检查 lint 检查 体积监控 建议平均时长不要超过10分钟, 所以 e2e,性能检查等建议不阻塞发起MR流程 合理的规模
checklist 可参考Code Review 速查手册 利用自动化工具进行前置检查 单元测试检查 新增单元测试检查 方法行数过多 圈复杂度过高 代码规范检查 lint 检查 体积监控 建议平均时长不要超过10分钟, 所以 e2e,性能检查等建议不阻塞发起MR流程 合理的规模
Has been peer review tested? Have edge cases been tested? Are invalid inputs validated? Are inputs sanitised? Documentation Is there sufficient documentation? Is the file up to date? Other Has the release been annotated (GA etc)?
分享一份我们团队的 Checklist 对于很多团队来说,code review通常充满争议。即使团队知道code review很值得,但他们仍然难以使之奏效。code review通常会成为每个人的主观意见的发泄地,这会导致团队内部的争论、感情伤害和不信任。 一旦团队中开始出现不信任,就很难恢复。敌意会增长,积极性会下降,信心也会下降。代码质量...
Review the implementation of asynchronous programming using asyncio or other frameworks Compatibility, dependencies, and security This part of our Python code review checklist ensures the code functions as intended across different environments and dependencies are properly managed. Here are the steps to fo...
In this article, we’ll share our comprehensive code review checklist for a web/SaaS project so that you understand each step of the code review process. As a software development company with 19+ years of experience, we’ve performed countless code reviews as a daily practice and as part ...
checklist 可参考Code Review 速查手册 利用自动化工具进行前置检查 单元测试检查 新增单元测试检查 方法行数过多 圈复杂度过高 代码规范检查 lint 检查 体积监控 建议平均时长不要超过10分钟, 所以 e2e,性能检查等建议不阻塞发起MR流程 合理的规模
JAVA CODE REVIEW CHECKLIST 热度: 相关推荐 CodeReviewChecklist ReferencedfromMicrosoftTechNet( Security Thissectionofthecodeacceptancechecklistcontainssuggesteditemstohelpensurethatsolutionsthat aresubmittedfordeploymentinaSharePointenvironmenthavebeendevelopedbyusin...
Java Code Review Checklist Clean Code Checklist ItemCategory Use Intention-Revealing NamesMeaningful Names Pick one word per conceptMeaningful Names Use Solution/Problem Domain NamesMeaningful Names Classes should be small!Classes Functions should be small!Functions...