SonarQube system provides code quality testing, static code analysis, clean Code and checking the level of security of the code developed in the company - and in a continuous and regular manner. The SonarQube system allows all developers to write cleaner and safer code, using convenient and mod...
Empower development teams with a code quality, security and static analysis solution that deeply integrates into your enterprise environment that enables you to deploy Clean Code securely, consistently and reliably.
Code Quality and Security | SonarQube SonarScanner for Maven | SonarQube Docs Download | SonarQube SonarQube 3.6 代码质量管理实战
Bad code is risky business. AI-generated or written by humans, Sonar ensures top-tier code quality & security. Protect your organization from bugs and vulnerabilities that jeopardize customer trust, damage your reputation, and undermine developer experie
Bad code is risky business. AI-generated or written by humans, Sonar ensures top-tier code quality & security. Protect your organization from bugs and vulnerabilities that jeopardize customer trust, damage your reputation, and undermine developer experie
Starting Thursday, February 13, 2025 (Cloud Manager 2025.2.0), Cloud Manager Code Quality is using an updated SonarQube 9.9 version and an updated list of rules that you candownload here. SonarQube rules The following section details SonarQube rules executed by Cloud Manager. ...
Code Quality and Security code scan 使用sonar来检测我们代码是否存在security和隐含的bug以及code coverage。针对不是一开始就引入sonar,历史代码已经存在了的情况,可以关注新code的质量,毕竟不能再差下去了。我们可以在上一次分析的结果上打上一个tag,表明下次我分析的每个数据都是基于上次的结果。好处:...
Code quality is an approximation of how useful and maintainable a specific piece of code is. Quality code will make the task of maintaining and expanding you…
SonarQube (formerly known as Sonar) is an open-source tool suite to measure and analyze the quality of source code. It is developed in Java but is able to analyze the code in about 20 different programming languages. Below are the features of using SonarQube – ...
Continuous Code Quality. Contribute to Zidanela/sonarqube development by creating an account on GitHub.